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Posts posted by Bender

  1. An old schoolmate with no real interest in music posted on facebook about getting a ticket for glastonbury - I'm sure it'll be wonderful for her to go for the first time having only ever been to V festival once and she's a nice enough girl - but its hard not to feel that she's wasted a ticket...

    But then maybe I should try not to feel so elitist.

  2. When we mere punters put things into the bins, I don't think theres any bin liners in them :unsure: So I wonder, is it an admirable attempt by the festival to get people thinking about recycling?

  3. Do you mean Mercury?

    There's about 120g of Potassium in you. It's a pretty benign element.

    Mercury is a poison, and an eco CFL lighbulb contains about 1mg of mercury. But that's not very much compared to the mercury released by the power plant to power the equivalent old-style bulb.

    My main complaint about CFL bulbs is that they take so long to warm up. When I turn on a light I want to see *now* dammit.

  4. Okay, not entirely sober so can't say whether this is a good idea or not, but will post anyway. :unsure::lol:

    Why don't a large group of people that paid for myhab get together and form a group to make your case stronger. Perhaps e-mail Glastonbury to make a case too; about how much they lost because they provided an alternative (which was lovely of them to do!

    In addition to that, some of you could 'pledge' some/all of your compensation to Glastonbury charities to hopefully make your case stronger?


  5. I don't like Jessie J but i can't believe i can see soo many people arguing about her!

    It filters out the people so i can have my fun ;)

    And everyone was into manufactured pop at some point! I'm glad the kids had somewhere they really enjoyed, and i saw it on the BBC best of, the kid she pulled up on stage must have had the time of her life! She really went for it and she's gonna have awesome memories of it.

    Lets not forget, the farm is a diverse site, and just because some trash (in my humble opinion) is onsite doesn't mean we can't have fun! :D

    Plus, next G i'm probably gonna be helping my mate and his misses look after their daughter, and for her benefit will probably end up at sets like this. Ahh well, i'll just save my energy for the naughty corner :P

  6. i am reading this thread with utter disbelief at the seriousness its being approached with!

    is there any possibility that all you folks posting, could take a deep breath and come back down to earth please, why is ethnic diversity even an issue? come glastonbury 2013 i will be concerned with securing my (and mine only) ticket! i really couldnt give a rats ass who i'm surrounded by regardless of colour or creed!

    maybe its about time people started seeing glastonbury for what it really is, a 5 day piss-up/party in a farmer's back garden!

  7. I'm 21 and i didn't get ID'd, but i do look a smidge older i suppose <_<

    Any ladies care to recommend me some anti-ageing products? :lol:

  8. This.

    WE are the festival, the people, we make it what it is every year, the fact that people complain that the festival bring it on themselves by not providing bin bags easy enough...I mean, get a grip: (1) Take bin bags with you, duh! Of course you need bin bags (2) I am 100% certain that if you had walked to a campsite crew caravan and asked they would have provided one, or an info point or welfare. Short of expecting that they would individually walk around the festival from sunday onwards with bin bags asking people to please tidy up what is it you want them to do?

  9. Guns on site. Randomly, or a deposit scheme. Would raise the stakes.

    Naked beach.

    One way system to be a big trick to syphon off all the wallys.

    Bangface arena - I agree with that bloke (though Bez is doing a good job).

    A big tower. Bigger than the one in the park. More like Blackpool tower.

    I'm a bit pissed (can u tell?)

    Some cows (like in India).

    Dance village - take a little look at what's happening in the opposite corner and learn a few lessons about atmosphere, drama and spectacle.

  10. what do they think will happen if they didn't tape off their tents? A stranger may pass through and say hello! shocking I mean who wants their festival ruining by a complete stranger popping by to say hello or worst still sitting with you :ph34r:

  11. Dude, i can't believe this threads still going on.

    A major event where people bring hundreds of pounds, valuables, and get rat assed, if anyone's surprised that it's targeted by organised criminals than you need to step into reality.

    Responsibility is the key here. I could point to any number of ways that would have reduced the impact of what actually happened, but the most important thing is to learn from it, rather than blame uncontrollable external events. There will be crime, maybe in a couple of years prepare for it, rather than blaming Camp T, the festival, or the UK. Shit happens to everyone, you're not special, you're not unique, it's a fact of life, but it happens less to the prepared. If you're gonna let the behaviour of some greedy individuals warp your perception of an event then you really need to think about it a bit more, and the memories and experiences you'll be depriving yourself of.

    I can understand why people will argue to defend the festival, but i'm sure socal's post was an angry rant, rather than anything deeper. I understood when it went on for a few pages, but is 7 pages of socal mouthing off, and people defending glastonbury (along with a fair few unnecessary personal insults) really necessary?

    My two pence: Take it under your chin, if you didn't get robbed let this be a lesson to you to be a tad more careful next time if you've been irresponsible. But just let this thread drop down and let it be a distant memory of a series of unfortunate events.

    Socal, i am sorry to hear you didn't enjoy G 2011, if i see you at a future event i'll buy you a drink or something. Though i bet Camp T would have saved your Glasto (actually, i know it would have, pm me if you wanna know how). If you decide that a small group of people have ruined the festival for you then i do hope you the best of luck in whatever you go on to do ^_^

  12. I missed Laughing Buddha due to overindulgance on the cider box again :rolleyes: Think I'd learn.....

    Anyway, come to Alchemy Fest mid-September, loads of psytrance and loads of people you'd know. ;)

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