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Posts posted by ingear

  1. I have been told by my god daughter she is currently having difficulty with accessing her Email ,the one she used to register.

    Should we be fortunate enough to get through to the booking page,if we used her registration within our booking, and her email was playing up, does anyone know if it would corrupt the booking for the rest of us ?

    Thanks in anticipation.

  2. I remember a very wet afternoon in 2007..........myself and my best mate walking towards the pyramid from the JP & hearing Amy's voice,we still talk about it,an amazing talent lost, RIP.

  3. We are always thinking of food that lasts a while outside a fridge...a few suggestions are,

    Bananas,apples etc....

    BabyBel cheese,


    Any other sugestions outside the crisp's snacks kind of stuff! :rolleyes:

  4. Whilst I note so many useful items that peeps take to Glasto, can I totally recommend a "Bucket"! I have a bucket veteran of 5 glasto's a "B&Q orange" version, EVERY year I take it it is borrowed, it's perfect for,water carrying,bailing out the tent,hair washing and under carriage cleaning (both male & female) used with or without a towel you can be at one with nature! "I commend this to the house!" Getting exciting isn't it :lol:

    P.S. Now I have let you all in on my tip....No you can't borrow it! ha ha...

  5. Quechua Pop-Up tents are the best. They're all double-skinned, have a storage area, if not actually a porch (60 quid models have a porchy porch) and prices on the Decathlon site start at #24.99. There is a thread with more detail in the 'Questions' forum..

    A friend locally runs a camping store and can offer me a 50% discount on all items. I couldn't entertain the pop-ups offered at circa #30; flimsy, single-skinned and without even a display model to inspect, I was suspicious. For the money, you can't really do better than a Quechua.

  6. This will be my first time out so I had virtually nothing for surviving outdoors for a week, I'm actually looking forward to going again and only having to worry about getting together spending money, booze and a bit of food.

    Shopping list so far :-



    Small daypack to walk around with

    Airbed + Pump

    Sleeping bag

    Camping Pillow

    Back support belt (standing up and walking around for a week will kill me otherwise)

    Digital Camera

    High capacity battery pack for re-charging camera and phone


    Food(Beef jerky, nuts and cereal bars)


    Travel shaver


    Big thermos flask (Should keep ice frozen for 12-24 hours or maybe more)


    Half decent pair of sunglasses

    Has turned out being more expensive than it needed to be, but things like a half decent digital camera and pair of shades seemed important. Still have lots to buy though. :(

  7. I brought a pair of DeWalt Rigger Boots for my first glasto,and they have seen me through ever since, they are good for the dry but also fab for the wet (does not apply for this year!!!!!!) other than baby wipes it's my top pre glasto purchase!......ok Stella may be up there as well....

  8. Wouldn't be a bad shout for the Jack Johnson slot would he?

    I know he's hardly got the most integrity of any artist that could be on the bill but the thing I love about Glasto is the opportunity to see those sorts of acts. I'd never pay £30 to see him but a nice evening sing-along in the sun would be well worth seeing.

  9. Where did we go wrong...we are both in our 50's and have taken our gorgeous 25 year old for the past four years....

    She still complains-

    - When I wash my goolies in a B&Q bucket in the morning!

    - When we wake her up off our heads at 4.00 a.m. in the morning!

    - If I cook Plumrose hot dog sausages & eat them in a suggestive way!

    - When I take the last Spark Whip!!!!!

    Oh well, maybe we can reform this year...does any one know if Bachman Turner Overdrive are playing yet....


  10. Due to being on a mega budget, paying out on festy food was a treat this summer and so for the first time since I was festivalling in the 90s I took the cooker with me.

    My best camp cooked meal that could feed 2 people was to make up one of the packet pasta meals and once cooked, then add a tin of ratatouille to go with a tomato pasta packet, white wine and chicken in a tin with the creamy pasta packs or a tin of mushrooms. Adding a tin of veg or creamy chicken really helps bulk the pasta up.

    Or to make the pasta cooking even quicker, tortiloni(?) - those filled pasta shapes that don't need to be kept in a fridge. If you have a way of keeping butter cool, just throw in a blob or two et voila, super speedy and filling meal. Do remember to bring a small bottle of oil with you (flavoured is better eg. garlic, to lift the flavour of your pasta).

    A trick I learnt from the Germans in my hostel in Oz was tinned potatoes (fry them), then add bacon to fry and then add eggs (and herbs/seasoning) to make a big old fritatta of sorts.

    Easy brekkie: tortilla wrap, a large blob of peanut butter spread thickly then add a banana and roll up. Quick, easy, filling and energy food for your morning.

    I found those Heinz soups that you are supposed to microwave also work well if you add noodles/packet rice/pasta. The Guinness Beef and Ale was particularly yum.

    I took one of those big pack curry meals to Bearded Theory (bought reduced whilst at Toscos on the way there) and me and Mikey B ate like kings on the first day!

    And the filthiest yet in fact, tastiest 'meal' I had was made from 2 slices of cheap white bread, a squirt of that new mayo with lemon and garlic with a squirt of sweet chili sauce. Under the time pressures we were under whilst working at T, this was seriously quick and also very lush indeed.

    Having flavoured mayo is a godsend :D

  11. Like others have said it's more than just a few stages with music, it's entertainment and experiences that no other festival can offer which makes it really good value. I agree that many like Reading, Leeds and V especially are more 3 day open air concerts with little else to entertain yet for almost the same price.

  12. Just watched the libertines last night from Reading.

    What is all the fuss about,an average band with a couple of decent songs going through the motions...All that HYPE..bit of a let down really.

    The Batman.

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