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Posts posted by StevieF

  1. What system is there in place for people who have been mugged or robbed of their ticket? or maybe their ticket went up in smoke in a fire .... surely something must be in place for these people. If so, why not the same system for lost tickets? Its no more possible to prove your ticket has been stolen or gone up in smoke as it is for someone to prove its been lost.
  2. he's not played live as far as I know since he had that heart attack (or whatever it was?) around five years back now, so unless he's up for doing a one-off at Glasto I think his appearance is hugely unlikely.
  3. And the reason why I stick up for some people...it aint a crime and it certainly it aint cliquey...Neil honestly?! The behaviour of some folk towards fellow Efesters is discussed pretty openly between Efesters in person, via MSN + FB, via PM and so on in the real world...again not a crime. The way people seem to change their persona the minute they get behind the silly computer when you may have met the antagonisers in person only a week or so ago and they were nice, normal and polite is tbh quite shocking tho...and this leads to discussion and in some cases hurt and disbelief. Sometimes I just dont get this place! Tis very silly at times. Some folk cant handle it, thats fine but there are plenty of us that can take the verbal beatings...and we all know that text never comes across as what we meant to say and then we all get the wrong end of the stick and silliness ensues in this usually fluffy place. We all judge each other for what you all read in front of your faces and misjudge each other...its the nature of the beast.

    Just remember one and all that we are real human beings behind these damn computers...that avatar and username is just a front for each and every one of us...and one we can all hide behind at times and be damn silly towards each other. None of us would ever have the guts to do this to each others faces would we at the G, Glade, Reading, the pub...wherever? Well I dont believe we would.

    If anyone has a problem with this opinion, declaration, honesty then so be it. I for one dont go on here to lord it over people even though so many of you think I do...that is just fecking stupid and ignorant imo. It may come over that way from many but at the end of the day its just all laughable and a lot of us get off on it...see any proper trolling when it occurs then tell me who is at fault...which ok sometimes leads to trouble but thats all part of the fun of being part of this bloody ace public forum isnt it?

    Just wish we could see each other more in the realworld to understand the real people behind the avatars and Glasto lasted all year round! :D Hey ho...probably cant do that though cos we will accused of being cliquey wont we! :D

  4. I saw him at the roadhouse, and I really enjoyed the way he plays some of his older numbers. The majority of the set was from Love and Theft, which is a great album, but when he played numbers like "Leopard Skin Pill-Box Hat" or "Don't think twice it's alright" I really got into it. All along the Watchtower was breath-taking.

    I don't think he'd work at Glasto. People want him to play his big numbers as they sound on record, and he just doesn't do that.

  5. Agreed, I perhaps should have said he is an aquired taste live, definately not for headline at Pyramid, he is more suited to a smaller more initimate stage but how you get a artist as huge as Bob onto a small stage is a dilemma.
  6. I think you raise an interesting point there. A while back there was series on TV called "Back to the shop floor" where the MD's of businesses went to work for themselves so to speak in a menial job. The scary thing about it was then none of them had a clue about how their companies actually worked. They just believed the bullsh*it reported to them through the management chain. I can't help wondering if ME is in the same position - has he captain become too remote?
  7. Never heard of them, until Thursday night. Was astoundingly tired and unwell, gradually heading back to the tent. Saw some people coming onto the stage in the Avalon Cafe, thought I'd give them a try. f**king fantastic they were, perked me right up.

    Anyone else see them?

  8. Mr Catford is right - I saw a hippy forcable injecting its child with heroin while the child shouted "noooooo not again!" I was so angry I went to buy myself a pint of cider (which should be banned) to calm my nerves for £25 and then got some noodles which set me back £37.50. Then I saw Michael Eavis speed past in his diamond encrusted ferrari and I thought to myself "this is the life" as he drove upto his gold plated castle in the sky...
  9. The DJ in Slippery Dick's Love Shack alluded to it around 11.30. Then we were hearing people talk about it around the site. Hobo Jones confirmed it. Then put on a great set.

  10. My gf was groped in Trash City. She turned round and loudly shouted at the bloke and he at least looked rather embarrassed. She used to live in Mexico City, so she became pretty adept at dealing with it (it's rife on public transport over there).

  11. Hmmmm, I'll give the BNP the 'right' to attend Glastonbury without confrontation, when they let anybody who isn't from their ethnic background have the 'right' to walk down the street without fear of harrassment, discrimination or attack. Until then, f**k them.
  12. blackhole - prepare for a visual and aural treat!

    sinhala - have you been to the troxy before? Is it really that small? Can you imagine a lips show in such intimate surroundings?? This is going to be sensational!!

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