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Posts posted by Wotsit

  1. You could have an afternoon kiddie's style birthday party when there's a break in the bands. Pick a nice spot, maybe stone circle, and have party food, party hats, vodka jelly, pass the parcel, cake with candles, happy birthday singing etc etc. If there's only the two of you, I'm sure they'll be enough people sitting by who would like to join in the fun.

  2. I know I'll be a bit of a latecomer but please can I be added to a group who posts CDs? I'm pretty organised so will be able to get discs out fairly promptly.

  3. I have just bought some new clothes for Glasto and they are aimed at summery weather so please please please bring on the sun! If not I will be buying waterproof pants and all the trimmings :P
  4. our cat pissed in my boyfriends rucksack last year the night before he packed it. He smelled of cat wee all weekend. Today he has decided to cut his leg so I've got to take him to the vets tomorrow before he goes to the cattery.

    I think my cat hates us and seeks out every opportunity to thwart our plans.

  5. If anyone videoed the older hippy lady pleasuring herself in full view by the bandstand (can't remember what year but it was a few years ago and it was a hot one) then you really could indulge in some glasto porn!

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