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Posts posted by WelshBadger

  1. You should have no problem,

    Sure it will "Look" Full, but believe me after my experience last year when I woke up after the Friday and saw a 12 person tent crammed infront of us then anything is possible.

    If you have no problem with being closer than normal to other tents then the backs of the closer camps should be fine, and green camp last year was pretty sparse.

  2. Hey, I can't help you with tickets, and I'm really sorry to sort of hijack this thread but I also need tickets so..In the event that someone who comes here has three coming then I'm putting my name down on the waiting list :P Haha.

    But yeah concerning tickets from what i've heard:

    Seetickets: All gone and sold out.

    Ticketline: Maybe a chance, has the "Please try again later" Tag but I've heard from the other ticket thread that it's pretty much a dead end too.

    So I guess the desperate folks like you and me now got to look out for eBay tickets, get them on the day from a tout or wait for a saint to come along on this forum and sell them on at "fair" Value :P

    Fingers crossed :P Haha good luck Barge, we might need it

  3. I know everyones all worked up and may have the adrenaline rush of Amy Winehouse right about now. (Seriously ordering festival tickets is like some weird class J drug, equivelant to that of a strong onion) so thats my excuse for asking such a stupid question.

    Should I have immediatly had a confirmation e-mail from SeeTickets?

    Or will it come through if I just wait patiently?

    Or has somthing gone horribly wrong in booking, like a dodgy e-mail address?

    Cheers Guys!

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