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Posts posted by planetcat

  1. Posted elsewhere but thought good enough topic for a thread all on its own. Saw quite a few celebs, Harry Enfield at Radiohead probably topped it :ph34r:

    So who did you bump into/ chat to/ pester for a photo?

    My starter for 10, Guy Garvey watching Radiohead, what a top bloke.


  2. I started with a cough sunday night which has morphed into full blown hideous cold and bad chest. Am wheezing like a 90 year old. Aching all over and then...to top it all off...my period arrived. Some of you may not want to know about this but I don't care! Doubled over with stomach cramps and nausea and have even seriously considered staying at home...just the thought of trying to drive there, queue for hours (possibly in the rain) and set tents up (possibly in the rain) makes me want to lie down and never get up.

    Seriously...I need to (wo)man the f**k UP!

  3. I know everyone's sick of reading the politics in this thread (myself included) but I just want to thank eFestivals for taking a stand on the page 3 girls. For a long time I've been uncomfortable about the casual misogyny on this forum -- and not only in this thread.

    A worrying number of people here don't seem to have a clue about what objectification is and why it might be offensive. I suggest you take five measly minutes to educate yourselves -- although I know you won't.

    Those saying it's 'only done in a spirit of fun' and 'it's okay because women choose to wear short skirts and dance provocatively', I invite you to consider for a moment what it's like to be a woman and live in a world where you can't go ten bloody minutes without seeing a mostly-naked woman on a magazine shelf, on a poster, on TV, online, in music videos, in adverts. Women are objectified all the effing time and it quietly erodes away again and again at gender equality. And, by the way, gender inequality harms men too. Nobody wins.

    Raunch culture and objectification are things that you can actively choose not to contribute to. When you post softcore porn on this forum, you don't do it in a cultural vacuum. And that is why people are so angry about it.

    Thank you eFestivals.

  4. Ha ha!! Erm...it does get a little muddy at times but I see no reason why that should affect your make up situation! I usually take some and have generally abandoned it by saturday due to a combination of alcohol and laziness. As long as you have a mirror and some face wipes - go for it!

  5. Dear levellers, could we please have a quiet camping area for people without kids, who like to go to bed late (without screaming, singing or arguing) and get a decent nights kip with the possibility of a lie-in in the morning. The main camping area was so noisy last year we had to move the whole camp to the family field on saturday, which we felt guilty about cos we dont have kids. Trouble is, family camping areas unsurprisingly get started pretty early in the morning so no lie in :P

    Now I know I sound like an old fart (I am) but Im not normally the sort to complain about noise and i appreciate festivals are going to be pretty loud but last year took the biscuit. Ive been going to BD for years but last year the main camping area felt more like reading festival at times. I can usually sleep anywhere, through anything (especially boring work meetings) but last year even i struggled. Actually fell asleep in the middle of the pogues set i was so tired.

    So please can we have a quiet non-family camping area.


    p.s. liking the line up so far

  6. C'mon I've seen some of the rubbish you guys keep demanding. I think Carter USM would make an awsome headline slot...... :P

    Ok mat=ybe not headline but what an appearance it'd be they are doing their drum machine albums tonight and tomorrow night. :P

    I'm going to see them tommorrow playing 101 Damnations and 30 something.... They are playing the love album and post historic monsters tonight.

    I'm a bit drunk so I dont expect this thread to stick around long. Just got bored of reading about crappy bands like U2 and Muse and thought I'd try and put a new angle in :P

  7. My mum really wants to see Andy Williams but shes in her mid 70's and not physically able to camp for the full weekend (and wouldnt want to!). I know that locals are offered sunday tickets and wondered how easy it is to get one? Presume it would have to be ebay? Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


  8. All the bars SHOULD ask for ID but don't always. My son is 19 and has been asked occasionally for ID. Essentially, the law remains the same at Glastonbury but, being a festival, the staff don't always have the time/inclination to do that!. Obviously if you're taking your own then you wont go without! In terms of camping you would have a good time in the Pyramid field, Pennards Hill or the area around the Dance Village - all of which are lively (!) areas and seem to have a large community of your age group. To be honest it depends on which day you go down - leave it much later than thursday afternoon and you won't have much choice left! In terms of things going on all night - there are so many areas with stuff going on til the early hours that you are more likely to be out and about anyway. Head for the Dance Village, the Glade, Trash City, Arcadia etc etc for late night activities (won't say too much as I wouldnt want to spoil it for you!)

    Whatever you do, and wherever you camp you WILL have a fantastic time and never want to leave!

    Hope this helps

  9. It wasn't so much the tw@ts that caused the prblems, more the 'daddy's little trust fund' that really got my goat - they seem to be everywhere like cockroaches - mobs of stupid little girls more concerned about being seen than interested in the bloody event itself, deciding to yammer in those godawful almost - valley girl from kent accents, trying to look cool swaying to dizzie rascal - the closest most of these irritating gits get to the street is when they're stepping out of a chelsea tractor.

    We also had a group who thought they were funny shouting all the way through Tom Jones - nobody thought they were funny with their 'stop living a lie - you're form Norfolk' craptastic jokes - some of us wanted to hear Tom sing!

    Or the lad who was left by his group, comatose on the floor, only to wake up half an hour later and throw up (the best bit was that his girlfriend I assume, tested hi sblood sugar first before buggering off) - thanks!

    Chairs - we knew we wanted to sit down, as all the acts we wanted to see on Struday were on the main stage - so we setup with our backs to the speaker on the right side of the stage - no one to worry about behinf us, the chairs were on the raised platform (so my wife had a good view)- not bothering anyone!

    Funniest line of the weekend? 'So who is Bruce Springsteen anyway?'!

  10. So who saw the Specials? Were they any good?

    I really wanted to see them and spent 40 mins near the front before they came on, but had to leave unexpectedly due to an unfortunate incident about one minute into their first song. Gutted to miss them, but it had to be done.

    I've not seen them listed in many people's top acts of the festival, so if you could all tell me they were crap, it'd make me feel a lot better!

  11. As someone who has never had the slightest interest in Neil Young I ended up seeing him as I couldnt be arsed to move after the specials. I was really blown away! What a performance! Am now a total convert :P

  12. God, this morning was hideous! Up at 5.30am, packed and in the car by 6.30am - left the site roughly 10.45am due the most incredible shambles in the west car parks. Still don't really know what that was about!

    Hit the roadworks on the way to M5 and finally made it home around 3pm :(

    Very, very, very tired!

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