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i'm spartacus

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Posts posted by i'm spartacus

  1. he does loads and loads of free gigs for his fans, that is why they forgive him for the occasional no-show (which incidentally are nowhere near as frequent as the tabloid press would have you believe).

    i planned to go seem him once, gig postponed until a later date, when that later date came around it was postponed again, only to be called off a third time. Eventually the venue refused to have him perform there again. i WAS a fan, now though i think he has become caricature of himself, when i see him now i feel only sadness and pity for someone who seemed destined for much better.


  2. well for me i got married at the end of may last year, then went on honeymoon and had no intention of going ( i'd been to the previous 4 glasto's). when the festival came round though i was devastated!! luckily there were still tickets available so i bought one on the thursday night and drove down friday (i'm sure my wife hasn't forgiven me still). This year my wife is coming with me for the first time and although i'm intensly excited (more so than ever before) i'm enjoying every minute of the build up.

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