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Status Updates posted by cornucopia

  1. Fed up with this trying to check in business. I've made my own page and can't find it!

  2. finds highly amusing and slightly ironic that Vodafone are one of the sponsors at Donington, and yet you can't get a signal anywhere within a 5 mile radius of the place!! For legal reasons this includes all other major network providers!

  3. Fish and chips in Whitby? I think so!

  4. food for thought tonight I feel.

  5. Formula 1 is going to Sky Sports from next season with the BBC showing just half the races. It was bad enough when ITV were given the rights to it, this however is a million times worse. Now I'll miss 50% of the season and not through personal choice. Thanks Murdoch you tosser.

  6. Four years ago on Thursday (11th August 2007), a girl and her boyfriend were brutally attacked in a park in Lancashire, simply for the way they looked. She died in hospital. No one rioted, yet some attitudes changed & people united following the attack. This weekend, 12,000 Rock & Metal fans will remember Sophie at Bloodstock Festival. THIS is how you make a difference. The Sophie Lancaster Foundation. Please repost.

  7. FTM. That's all folks!

  8. G'N'R LIES. The 2nd greatest Guns 'n Roses album ever.

  9. Go into business with a grizzly bear, but just don't sit down cos i've moved your chair. More quality lyrics for 2011

  10. Goal of the season, right there.

  11. Good goal by Bendtner. I've alway's said he was brill, cough cough!

  12. Good result for Bradford today, seals league 2 campaign for next season instead of playing in the tampax league!


  14. Had a couple, had some fodder and perhaps a few more. Drinks, not fodder as that would be greedy!

  15. Happy birthday to my lovely wife! x

  16. has an evening of drinking and eating at Asiana Fusion planned!

  17. has been to the florist to well, sort flowers out and i don't mind saying. . . what a mind flip that was. Too many questions i know nothing about!

  18. has finished updating his status

  19. Has got a hole in his shoe. Cue song lyrics!

  20. has had a brill weekend with his daughter, over all too quick though.

  21. has had a fab day with parents and spent quality time with my beautiful daughter Jodie

  22. Has just been reminded that technically I have just 4 days proper work before Chrimbo. Which is tremendous!

  23. has just remembered I've not died, which is nice. Oh and also Sunderland finish a little higher than another team.....FTM

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