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Status Updates posted by cornucopia

  1. what a pile of absolute kack is on, not a single televisual feast to be had....

  2. What an absolute diving pillock Drogba is. FACT!

  3. Whether it's Easter or Passover you celebrate, may it be a lovely day for you all!

  4. Why does work have to interrupt time off? I vote we go back to the 3 day week. Power to the people!

  5. Wishes this stupid cough would go forth and multiply.

  6. Wolfsbane tomorrow with Mr Sumby over in the dark side, chavs beware!!!

  7. wonders if when you reach 39+1 your alcohol tolerance levels drop? If so, I feel I need loads of drinking practice to ensure that DONINGTON is not a massive fail!!

  8. wonders who inspects the inspectors?

  9. Would like a campervan, one day.

  10. would like to know if anyone has a sofa bed for sale? Muchas gracias peeps...

  11. Would like to wish everybody I know a very merry Christmas and a brilliant new year. 'Tis also a time to remember family and friends who can't be here and for those who provide the emergency services and armed forces who also cannot be around family and friends.

  12. You forget that Rick Allen only has one arm. Remarkable drummer. FACT.

  13. You know you're in the company of chav's when they get a local newspaper and automatically go straight to the "who's appeared in court this week" section. And then swiftly follow this up by trying to justify the various convictions his chavvy mates have come away with!

  14. Young Guns on telly tonight. Skill film that is

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