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Posts posted by kly

  1. Love all the pre-2000 stories in this thread, sounds like a very different atmosphere.

    My first year was 2007 - absolutely loved it, despite the crappy weather. Was a different place/vibe to anywhere I had experienced before. We went in a group of about 10 and only two of us (me and the mister) have kept coming back. Seeing everything with brand new eyes is an experience I won't forget. happy.png

  2. Hi! Sorry to drag up an old topic, but I'm hoping for some advice.I've tried to give up smoking a few times now, have tried patches, willpower, and the Easyway book but after a few months I'm smoking again. I am beyond fed up with myself and feel absolutely pathetic for not being able to do this! :(

    I was wondering if anyone has used electronic cigarettes as a way of completely replacing the tobacco cigs, especially in the long term? And maybe recommendations of reputable places to buy/brands etc.?

  3. Turns out she's a female teacher and has pleaded guilty of looting in Croydon.

    I'm sure the BBC were profiling some of the people arrested on yesterday's coverage (I can't find it though) and there were surprisingly quite a few young professionals lifted. It appears a lot of the youth have just followed them.

    Also (to save a separate reply) there are more people in this thread making the riots into a race issue than I've seen on any TV or newspaper coverage. Very strange.

  4. I got the idea from the likes of that video. You've already seen for yourself that these were not simply rational people protecting what is theirs, they were wired and out for a fight. Compare and contrast the actions and words of those Sikhs with those gangs of whites - they're streets apart.

    I'm not aware of them having beaten the crap out of anyone, but that's just as likely because they didn't find a suitable victim for their violence than it is because they're nice reasonable people.

    If they'd have come across a standard group of (hooded?) youths on a street corner, how would they have reacted? Would they have by default thought of them as potential rioters, or would they have recognised their rightful innocence? And who appointed them judge, jury, and executioner to be making those judgements? ;)

  5. How do you "protect the streets and residents" by wandering the streets in a massive gang looking for people to beat the crap out of? Don't you think that 'normal' residents would be in fear of this gang no less than the rioters? :blink:

    There's a difference between protecting your neighbourhood and looking for trouble. The Sikhs in Southall seem to have grasped the difference.

  6. Guys, might not be a good idea to explicitly state exactly where ye hide your goodies. Police read this site (and have posted in this thread) - who knows if security do too. And on an entirely selfish note I want my hiding places to remain secret! :P

    Bit off topic but does anyone remember a guy on here ages ago saying one of his mates hid his stash in a Marmite jar, which then got confiscated and thrown away as it was glass? That is so unlucky. :lol:

  7. I find chairs in the crowd massively irritating for all the reasons glasto-worker just stated (as well as the picnic rug crew who shoot you evils if you accidentally tread on the corner of their M&S blanket they've arranged in the middle of a crowd of thousands). I remember one year trying to navigate around a row of about 15 chairs in the middle of the Other stage crowd - they'd been set up like a bleeding cinema, no gaps between them!

    That said, I don't agree with an outright ban on chairs because that's just not fair on people with mobility issues or back problems who genuinely do need to sit down in a proper chair.

    Edit - Awful spelling!

  8. Well they would say that, wouldn't they ? Millions of people wear lenses 24/7 and don't get an infection.

    The regulatory requirements for contact lenses are very stringent and they have to satisfy very strict safety laws.

    You get an eye infection (you didn't state which, btw) through poor eye and hand hygiene i.e contact conjunctivitis.

    Against a control of someone who doesn't use contact lenses, anyone who does use contact lenses has an increased

    risk of infection due to the fact that they are touching their eyes more frequently!

    Using lenses that stay in 24/7 reduces the amount of eye/hand contact and could actually reduce the risk of infection.

  9. I wear contacts too. Like everyone else has said, just make sure you have a good light and clean hands. Taking some eyedrops and possibly some Optrex just in case couldn't hurt either.

    One thing I will say is don't sleep in them! Until very recently I had monthly contacts that you could sleep in, thought they were great until they gave me a serious eye infection meaning I haven't been able to wear contacts for a month and have had to take 10 eye drops a day. <_< It has been an absolute bitch and not worth it at all!

    During my exciting adventure to Moorfields A&E, I was told that they strongly recommend against ever sleeping in lenses, even the 24 hr ones, as it massively increases the risk of eye infections (wish my optician had mentioned that, but hey ho, that'll learn me).

  10. This isn't so much make up related but this seems like the best place to put it. If the skin on your face is sensitive to sun cream, Soap and Glory have an SPF 20 facial moisturiser which doesn't cause spots and break outs and there's a 2 for 1 offer on selected products in Boots. Le sigh, I do love Soap and Glory. ^_^

  11. The only bad experience I've had really apart from feeling detached a few times is 2007 ,after four days of rain I was stood watching the Who on the pyramid stage and it was the heaviest the rain had fell all week and I was thinking get me home,half an hour left of the set I marched back to the tent grabbed me bag and drove back to the north east (home)a 7 hour drive.....drunk high and tired.SHAME.

  12. Eek! Good luck with the results and just think, it could make the festival even better - if you get the marks you want then you are in the best place in the world to celebrate and if you don't get the marks you want then you are in the best place in the world to cheer you up and relieve the disappointment. The second option won't be an issue though - you will have done well! :)

    I've never received grades while there but was waiting on an MSc acceptance from my first choice last year. Got the call off my parents on the Thursday and thankfully it was good news (although I'm regretting it a bit now the exams are coming up!). That was nerve wracking enough so I feel for people waiting on their degree results. Good luck to everyone!

  13. Was it all good again pretty quickly? I'm taking it as easy as I can and, tbh, am shitting it a bit that I'll either not be able to go or worse still, go, get there and the bleedin' thing go pop again, thus ruining my festival, they weren't exactly forthcoming about how it would go at the hospital (patient is a medical term for inconvenience) and am hoping that I am just worrying about nothing and I'll be right as rain. I'm seriously concerned enough to have quit smoking (after 20+ years of 20+ a day) so am at the very least taking that as a positive.

  14. I usually just wash it intensively the day I leave, so it has the best possible chances of looking semi-decent all weekend. I take dry shampoo and use it every morning.

    I usually straighten my hair most days but I don't bother at festivals (for obvious reasons). I'm quite concerned this year though; it's my first festival season with a fringe, and a fringe which drastically relies on an everyday straightening so that it doesn't look mental. I'm wondering whether I should invest in some gas-powered straighteners (any recommendations?) or go oldschool with some bandanna's to keep it in check!

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