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Posts posted by wehttamuk

  1. I often wonder if I go to a different festival to everyone else when I read a lot of the comments on here! I did stay in a quieter campsite(green), but there were far more idiots and bad behaviour when I first started going(2002)

    There are more people who don't seem to know too many of the Bands that aren't constantly on the music channels and the crowds seem a little less enthusiastic for the bands, but oh well.

    It also seemed to me that there were quite a lot of old people there this year too! Granted the majority are very young, but that's the age you start going to festivals and all your friends can go because you don't all have jobs.

    We made friends with the girls who camped next to us and helped them set up and carry their stuff from the car and hung out with two other groups camped next to us too.

    I never have any problems sleeping at the festival and have never had any problems with security.......the only problem I had with them this year was one of them waking me at 5am to inform us that he could see a camera in the porch of one of our tents and recommending we hide it so it doesn't get stolen!

    I had a thoroughly enjoyable festival and the only reason I think I won't be going next year is that there are less and less of my mates who want/are generally able to go and we want to experience glasto.

    Anyone sorry that you all had such bad experiences, but I thought I'd just add a relatively positive comment!

    The one bad note was that I did see my first punch-up at the festival this year, but it was very brief and I'm more surprised I haven't seen it before with all the crowds and alchohol fuelled groups of guys!

  2. I was at Leeds and for me:


    Arcade Fire - seen them a couple of times before and love all their albums so knew what to expect, but still thought they were amazing. My mate who knew nothing by them and wanted to see Pendulum ended up listing them as one of his favourite bands of the weekend

    Limp Bizkit - I actually thought they might have a poor crowd/bad reaction, but everyone seemed to be loving it, singing along and moshing. A friend of mine had been complaining that I'd wanted to see them, yet he was singing along more than me!

    Mumford & Sons - brilliant setlist, brilliantly performed and brilliant crowd reaction....so many people cheering, clapping and singing along the band looked visibly moved!


    Honestly I didn't really see a band who I thought were that bad really, but if I were to pick one it would probably be Blink 182! Although I enjoyed hearing some classic old pop-punk songs, I didn't think their sound was that good, the jokes and "banter" seemed exactly how I remember it from when I saw them last at Leeds and I also got the feeling that the band still don't get on too well, but maybe I was imagining it.

    Dissapointing -

    Probably Paramore.....thought I was gonna really enjoy their set, but they seemed to miss out a few of their best/biggest songs and the sound was pretty poor too


    Singing along to Mumford and songs and the reaction the band themselves gave to being there. The Cave was just an awesome moment!

  3. I had expected them to get a really small crowd, but I actually thought it wasn't too bad.....I remember watching radiohead and massive gaps forming around me from people leaving yet this didn't seem to happen for me for AF. They were never going to get the crowds of bands like GnR though

  4. It was absolutely packed for Mumford and they played an amazing set - best crowd reaction of the weekend by far from what I saw.

    As for QOTSA.....despite being a band that I like a lot more than Mumford, I've seen them a couple of times and they've not come close to playing a set as good as M&S's was!

  5. I only saw about four songs of their set, but thought they were OK and nothing special, but the. Saying that I think that of their music in general. The people we were camped with though were massive fans and were desperate to see them. When they came back from seeing their set though they said they'd "shit all over my dreams" and "they would have been the best band of the weekend.....if they hadn't been absolutely awful"

  6. The problem is you hear of over 18s getting the wristband then slipping it off and giving it to an under 18, so even if you have the wristband but look under 18 there's a good chance you'll still get ID'd.

  7. While I understand the point made about the wristband not legally making any difference, it will make a difference to the people serving(and the people with over 18 bands) as any mystery shoppers are not going to have one of these wristbands, so if someone has one then the bar staff know they're not mystery shoppers and so know they'll not get prosecuted for selling to under 18s

  8. In my current job, I occasionally get to meet bands. Having just encountered Pendulum, I would just like everyone to know what an utterly pretentious dickhead their lead singer/front man is. Really thinks he is something special he does, and seems to think it is OK for him to delay everyone else in a queue because he is a little bit famous and that everyone can wait for him. I am no longer a fan. Should have guessed he was a dick from the stupid facial topiary really. Please throw big cups of piss at him.

  9. It's not really THAT bad, I just go when I need it.......arena toilets in the morning are generally the best though, although if it's breezy then long drops have the open air advantage.

    Can't really understand why you'd hold off having a shit - probably making you feel Ill at the same time - instead of just putting up with it for 5mins and feeling a lot better afterwards!

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