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Posts posted by Emmabear

  1. I may have to cancel my ticket...... Have just found out I am pregnant and due at the end of May and thinking having a one month baby in tow will not be a good idea.. Am absolutly gutted as last year was my first time and it was AMAZING!! However I may still buy my ticket and go up on the weekend rather than the full week as we done last year, I have a while to decide what to do... :(

  2. On the Friday night we saw loads of blokes by the hedge near the Queens Head. They had to walk past the longdrops and the urinals to get to the hedge, it might be understandable if there was a queue but I walked straight to a fairly clean longdrop straight away (ane there are toilets on the other side too). There were 5 stewards stood chatting on the bridge near the QH so I asked if they could do something and they just said we have green police to sort that out and just agreed with me that it was bad. Surely with 5 of them one could have walked over and shouted something to at least drew attention to stop others doing it. People probably were just so pissed they assumed the toilets were full if people were pissing in the hedge.

    Saying that it wasn't as bad as when I stood next to a bloke in the Glade who got his c*ck out to piss in a cup at 3pm in the afternoon. Nasty.

  3. Although we had nothing major stolen my sister was sleeping with her 9 and 11 year old daughters and woke up with their tent unzipped (porch and bedroom door), the only thing stolen was one of the girls' new straw hats. It's easy to replace the hat it's not so easy to replace the feeling of feeling safe in your tent without someone coming in during the night though...

  4. Defintely one of my highlights, vocally Neil was superb and I woke up hoarse singing along. Got a great spot in front of the mixing desk too so for once the sound at the Other Stage was pretty good.

  5. My husband proposed to me at the Stone Circle two years ago. It was the Wednesday night (he said he was too excited to wait) and the sun was just setting over the site. It was totally magical. He asked me to hold the Brothers (romantic sole he is) and got down on one knee, there was no ring and no lantern but it was still such a perfect moment. The lantern idea sounds great but if the moment is right it will be perfect.

    Good luck and enjoy every minute - I can guarantee that you'll feel like you're floating on air all weekend!

  6. Just got one for a friend. Kept getting an error message when putting the bank details in but clicked back and re-entered and it was fine. Good luck everyone still trying and thanks Efestivals for the link!

  7. I went to Burning Man last year for the first time from the UK. We flew to San Francisco hired a large car and filled it with water, alcohol and coolers and stayed for the full 7 days. We were lucky as we managed to hook up with a camp (friends of friends) so fortunately had the basics like cooking and a shower sorted as we were with a group of regulars. I have no idea how you'd manage if you weren't with a camp though as there's nothing provided for you other than toilets. You have to bring everything and take everything away with you including all your brown water and every scrap of rubbish. Great idea but not so easy if you have to fly home straight after. Our camp mates cooked for us and we had lots of waifs and strays coming and sharing our food. Burning Man is a great place to share and I’m sure if you needed a hot meal you’ll be able to find one if you befriend one of the bigger camps. You will find that your appetite is reduced though with the heat and the altitude. Bring alcohol though, even if you’re not big drinkers you can always share it.

    Once you’re there it’s very much a participatory experience, you get out of it what you put in. There’s stuff going on all night and all day. More classes, groups, talks that kind of thing than non stop djs. The main djs play on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and are usually at one end of the main site blaring dance music into the desert. The sound systems are amazing! The music from the theme camps never stops day or night. You get used to it but there is no respite but fortunately you’re so knackered having to walk for miles to get anyway that you sleep like a baby day and night. It really is a great place for individuals, nothing is too weird at Burning Man and generally people aren’t judgemental of those who don’t dress up or take all their clothes off!

    The size of the place caught me by surprise. As a regular Glastonbury goer I’m used to large festivals but Black Rock City is huge. It can take 30 minutes to just walk from your camp to the man and hours to actually feel like you’re out of camp. Everyone uses bikes to get around and they really are a must. We managed to find some of the pool bikes once or twice but they are hard to find. If you had access to a bike and/or an art car it would be so much better.

    The weather wasn’t as challenging as I thought it would be. Yes, it’s hot during the day but not unbearable and it does get incredibly cold at night. You’ll be amazed at the darkness as there’s no lights anywhere. The playa dust gets everywhere. You can protect your eyes and nose with goggles and a mask but everything in your tent gets covered so you’re sleeping in layers of alkaline dust for a week. I’m sure if you sleep in a camper van it would be much more comfortable.

    I’m so glad I’ve been to Burning Man and if I lived in the states it would definitely be one of my regular festivals as it’s a great place to go in a group. Great place to meet up and make new friends. But I would say it would be really hard work if there wasn’t a large group of you and getting to the site from the UK is not easy. Definitely one to try before you die though!

    Good luck and let me know if you need more info

  8. Think they started in 02 with the superfence, certainly didn't have them in 97, they just stamped your hand with invisible UV ink. (this is not a joke! that was how slack the security was in those days).
  9. Got engaged at the Stone Circle on the Wednesday night last year. No ring or sky lanterns for me. I even had to hold the Brothers when he got down on one knee! ;) But I'm now a very happily married woman of 5 months. Had a lovely time this year celebrating the anniversary of the proposal. Good luck to everyone - may you be very happy together!

  10. They were incredible! Shame it was so quiet around us though. Loads of people just sat (in their chairs of course) waiting for Blur. Fantastic that we got Weeping Song and the Ship Song. If he did No more shall we part I think I may have exploded with joy!

  11. I got a bit too excited watching Bruce Springsteen and kept bumping into the couple behind me. They told me off in the end. I can't remember if I said sorry so if it was you - I am very sorry. What can I say? He was great. I was happy and wanted to dance but I didn't mean to ruin your fun.

    Phew! I feel better now.

  12. I should have cried when my boyfriend proposed to me at the Stone Circle last year but was too full of giggly Brothers to cry! The one thing that got me last year was Leonard Cohen. A truly magical moment. Just soft tears of joy down my cheeks for his whole set. Watching the sun set over the Tor with a Cohen backdrop was very emotional.

    This year I'd be amazed if I didn't shed a tear for Nick Cave or when I finally see Terry Hall again. The first time I saw him I was 10 and it was my first Glasto when he played with Fun Boy Three. Going to bring back some amazing memories.

  13. This is just the best news - can't wait to see it confirmed. Two of my favourite artists ever (Cohen and Cave) playing in the same slot in back to back years. If they can get Johnny Cash back from the dead for next year I would die a very happy woman indeed. :P

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