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Posts posted by vickypopz

  1. We stopped in Brown, which despite being a bit of a trek was ideal really. Felt alot more laid back than the other campsites that you walk through to get to the arena, & had the compost loos too.

    We got early birds and on the thursday it was only us pitched in our area and it also left us a fair bit of space outside the tent too which was nice to chill out.

    We did have a bit of trouble when one lad opened the tent up and woke me up - "wrong tent" apparently, but these nobs are in the minority. Found the Sunday to be a bit rowdier, and as we camped under the campsite marker we did get a gang of lads srambling up for souveniers but they went after they'd got want they wanted!

  2. my essentials:

    I've bought a bronzing brush from superdrug today from the 2true range (only £1.99 or so!) - and its a little pot of powder that sits underneath a brush applicator - so cute! I've decanted the bronzer as i am v pale but shiny and replaced with some cheapy mineral foundation so i can just even out my complexion every now and again and not look like a shiny tomato like last years pics!

    Also found sudacrem comes in a tube - ideal for dry patches of skin, spots and of course first aid emergencies!

    superdrug tea tree and peppermint wipes - ideal for your face and also for freshening up tired feet!

    Aloe Vera gel - to double up as moisteriser and after sun.

    Lush do powder deodrant in a coconut fragrance - i give myself a light dusting with this just to keep me fresh.

  3. Hope its a dry one for you all - after doing wakestock for the past 4 years and mainly VIP i wont be going this year :( Standing ankle deep in mud watching SFA struggle through the rain and technical difficulties has really put me off - i will miss it though!

  4. I'll be in Manchester somewhere, having left N Wales this Friday to pop down to the fella's in S Yorks for a few days before we both head to Manc for the coach down on Wednesday morning! Soo excited!

  5. Had this at Leeds last year - crap ending to the summer really. Thankfully I woke up to someone in our porch and screamed which woke my fella up who went after them ( in socks, v attractive lol!) it has crossed my mind that it could happen again & will be more vigilent. I'll be taking some clip on purse bells that the local crime prevention panel gave out at Xmas to give us a heads up of anyone fiddling the zip. Other than that I tend to keep everything in my backpack & use it as a pillow and loop my arm through it too for added security.

  6. This time in two weeks I will be about 10 mins away from the site according to the National Express ticket I have optimistically purchased. Last year it took us 17 hours from Manc so I shant be holding my breath!

  7. Lambrini still - yes its minging - but its only about a £5 for a box of about 4 bottles worth from morrisons.

    Alternatively, tesco do a litre carton of white, rose or red for about £3 in the value range. Also lunch box size cartons for 99p.

    I'm sure country manor is still kicking around for about a £5 too.

    i clearly have been doing far too much research on this topic!

  8. i was in floods of tears during "this is a low" last year for Blur - a leathel combination of drink, memories attached to the song and the overwhelmingness of the crowd etc, just got to me and had me sobbing like a baby!.. chwilydd!

    This year, i'm not sure anything will push me over the edge in a negative way - i tend to cry wether i am happy or sad. I think there will be some very happy tears though, next 2 weeks are exam time for me and i wont have seen my boyfriend for ages and i'm looking forward to spending the glasto week with him, just chilling out and hopefully enjoying some sunshine and quality time together :)

  9. If your looking at millets, it is not on the site at the moment, but the Eurohike Avon is very popular. Billed as a 3 man tent, sleeping area is about 6 1/2ft by 6 1/2ft and there is an additional 4 by 6 1/2 foot storage area. It will be lighter to carry than the one you linked to. Being a dome with an extra bit, easier to pitch and more forgiving if you pitch it wrong. Heavy duty pegs in the 8 key points should mean its not going anywhere and you could get away with only using the front 2 guy ropes.

    The problem is that it is popular, there are a lot of them at Glastonbury!

  10. I love your idea! I've got a human geog degree too and chose Local Agenda 21 for my dissertation - yawn! i'm 28, female and went to my first glasto this year - I'd be more than willing to help.

    best of luck!

  11. thanks for the constructive comment.

  12. The campsite is open from 13.00 Thursday to 13.00 Monday.

    Free Shuttle coaches will run between the festival site and Abersoch, Pwllheli and Nefyn all weekend. There is a Co-Op in Pwllheli just by the train station.

    Last year there was main stage, tent and the dance tent - with a seperate tent for the VIPS.

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