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Posts posted by FforFreddie

  1. I thought that too, but when I rechecked my reg number it's been used, so all is good. I reckon they probably spoke to the banks and decided to turn it off for this, as having to link to that, then back to the Seetickets website might have resulted in more page errors.

  2. I think one of the main reasons why they put the tickets on sale at 9am on a Sunday is so that the payment side can run easier, remember that every payment requires access to your own banks systems which will not take too kindly to tens of thousands of payments for G2010 alongside everyday transactions... with web traffic generally lesser in the UK at this time, count yourself lucky it was only 15 minutes.

  3. Legal highs are rubbish, they give you headaches and sore stomachs and less of a high than a fart.

    As for the other question, keep your eyes open. I'll have some, I'll be in the tent in the field next to the tree.

  4. Went to Makro yesterday with my manager's membership card. Brothers Festival Cider was on offer in packs of 15 with 3 free bottles), working out at 84p a bottle.

    Great deals on Scrumpy too.

    £90 later, my car is going to have fun getting down there!

  5. I bought a sack truck with pneumatic wheels for £14.33 from B&Q, got a bit of mdf from work - drilled through the base plate of the truck and bolted on the mdf, painted it up to make it waterproof and bought a bunch of bungy ropes to keep everything secure. Total cost = under £18. Far better idea than a shopping trolley designed to cope with nothing more severe than the travelators at Tescos in my opinion.

    You might want to consider getting a couple of spare split-pins in case they snap on the rough ground.

    Edit: you need bigger tyres with a larger surface area, the thin ones on shopping trolleys will be a right royal pain in the arse.

  6. So, as a keen photographer I managed to avoid temptation last year in bringing my Nikon D200 with its various lenses... this year, I'm more keen than ever.

    I'm pretty worried that under the influence I may a) lose it, or :D give it away... but I know the quality of the shots would kick the ass out of my little compact. I'll be camping fairly close to a lock-up, so I know I could put it away there if needed but otherwise I'm unsure if it's sensible.

    Any thoughts on this?

  7. I wasn't given any on arrival, and the last thing I was going to do was wander around trying to find some when I had my metal ones with me. Almost everyone I spoke to said they were rubbish. I understand the problems they give the cattle, but to be honest I need the pegs for other camping trips, so I make sure I've got them all when I leave. No matter how bad the hangover is!

  8. Last year was my first, and I was 29 then. I left not knowing why I had missed out for all these years, I've been to Leeds and other smaller events but I was overawed by how amazing Glastonbury is. I'm now really anxious and want the summer to come around asap, 10am on Wednesday I'm hoping to be pitching my tent and starting on the cider!

  9. This will be the icing on the cake for me if they do play, I've seen them live umpteen times but not at a festival. From what I've gathered, after this year they'll be taking a break anyway; Duncan Lloyd has two kids now and wants some time with them, so if you want to see them this is the time.

    As for their local popularity, yeah they sell out twice over because a) they're very good, and :) they're local and reference lots of local stuff.

    As for Paul Smith, he's really grown in confidence since their early days, each time I seen them he's improved his act, plus I've had the chance to meet him and I can say that his persona is not forced.... well, that's my impression anyway!

  10. Part of me is pleased they come late because there is less chance of me losing them, but then at the same time I doubt that is the reason they do it.

    If the Government can produce millions of swine flu leaflets in two weeks, why on earth can SeeTickets not print out their tickets and get them out sooner, just to calm people down. It's not like this is their first year doing this....

  11. I can vouch for the quality of Eurohike tents, I've just retired my Eurohike after almost 15 years of service. It's survived plenty of people falling on to it, high winds and torrential downpours. You want to try and get one that has the flysheet first, as if it's really chucking it down you can get that up sharpish and take shelter.

    Buy cheap and suffer, for an extra 50% you can get something that will last you many years.

  12. I have a better time with people I don't know pretty much every year at Leeds. And nobody's ever threatened to burn my tent down, or actually threaten me in anyway. The guys we camped near last year were kinda rude, not really in the spirit, and they're the worst people I've ever met there.

    I'm not doubting Glastonbury is better. It's just the whole image people paint of Leeds being a hell-hole full of kids running around blowing stuff up and trying to stab you winds me up.

  13. Last year was my first Glastonbury, the year before I went to Leeds and whilst the bands were good, the atmosphere was awful, I hated not even being allowed to take water through the checkpoints - except for the Katmandu Kitchen, the rest of the food was burgers etc. Plus, on the Sunday night I had some little sods threatening to burn my tent down!

    Anyway, due to various delays we didn't arrive until 8pm on the Thursday (which annoyed me enough as I really wanted to see the Levellers), but it also began to chuck it down. Being quite late, we had to trudge a fair distance and I was acting as the Sherpa carrying three rucksacks and two kegs of beer. The people we knew were there already were giving us awful and conflicting directions, so by the time we arrived at their tents I was not in the best of moods - the rain by now had got much worse and whilst they were all cosy in their tent I had to put up ours, by the time I had everything was soaked, including our sleeping bags. The first night was a cold and damp affair with little sleep. When I emerged from the tent in the morning, I said hello to this stranger in his tent and he must have seen from my face that I was not happy; the next thing he did was offer me a cup of steaming hot coffee and part of his fry-up.

    I could not have been happier and that put me in a great mood for the rest of the weekend, and we all got on really well after that; funnily enough I had a better time with the strangers we met than the people we had arranged to meet! That sums up Glastonbury for me, and why I am coming back - that simple act of gesture just would not have happened at Leeds. I'm not bashing it as such, just drawing a comparison between the different attitudes.

  14. I like to keep the camera always in my pocket (or attached to my belt), so I take a compact camera with me.

    The Fuji F31 is fantastic in low-light, takes effortless photos in candle-light, ideal for stone circle. Yes the photos are a little noisy, but it's the best available for low-light in a compact form. It takes good photos with no effort required.

    In bright, daytime shots, I prefer Canon compacts to the Fuji's output though.

    There is the new Fuji F200EXR, which seems OK, but some aspects of it I'm not yet convinced about - but still waiting for more time and more reviews on. I've seen some strange artefacts and noise reduction, and the video mode was poor.

    The Canon Digital Ixus 980IS is about @£240, this has a slighter larger sensor than the other Canon compacts, so is slightly better in low-light, but no HD Video. I'm hoping for the replacement of this in Sept, i.e. larger sensor + HD Video.

  15. If you want compact cameras that work well in low light with no flash, then I would recommend Fuji. I have a Fuji F31fd which is 6MP but has superb low-light skills. I've also got an underwater case for it which protects it from knocks, water and other liquids!

    I bought a camera for a prize recently which was this one. It has an ISO setting of 1600, which negates the need for flash except for the darkest places.

    They've stopped selling the F31fd, but you might get it on eBay, however they are still quite in demand as far as I know.

  16. I think festival tickets are so expensive because they want make it accessible a certain type of person or more to the point they want to make it inaccessible to a certain type of person. People joining together in the fresh air listening to music is a very empowering thing and as soon as the powers that be realised that the whole movement became more regulated and resticted and festivals became more commercial and costly to attend. Our society is structured in such a way so that the when you live in accordance with certain acceptable "norms" your path is far less hindered. Gathering together to listen to music out of doors is no exception to this rule i.e it's their way or no way.

    As an addition someone mentioned that the cost of a Glastonbury ticket in 1998 was £80 and they were shocked that it had doubled in 10 years, I bought a Glastonbury ticket in 1984/85 and it cost £17.50, which is a tenfold increase, has there been the same increase in the average wage? I think not.

  17. If you have personal possession insurance outside of the home, make sure your camera is listed on that; you shouldn't have any problems. Depending on the insurance company they will allow tent thefts, but there is nothing stopping you saying someone took it from your rucksack when you were watching a band.

    Last year I took my compact but I had a waterproof housing for it, which was great as it meant it was capable of being dropped and the rain had no effect on it. Be careful with the D40, it doesn't have much weather-proofing so dirt, water etc could easily get inside it and ruin the sensor/lens - especially if you're going to be swapping lenses.

    Edit: not to mention the risk of drinks being spilt over it from rocket-launched pint glasses and someone bumping in to you!

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