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Posts posted by Fraz01

  1. The whole idea of these lists is that all the KoL fans (of which there are many right now) will be impressed, and will therefore have a higher opinion of MTV. It's the same with every list.

    I would have put Gogol Bordello top - but then the masses would go "what the f**k, MTV is shit". When KoL are out of fashion in a year's time they'll be much further down.

    Unless of course this was a list that the public voted on? In which case it's even more obvious why KoL are top.

  2. If yoy are too old to have had blink soundtrack your teenage years, then fairenough.

    But otherwise, you should be able to appreciate the humour and disregard they had for pop-punk stereotypes. Blink are brilliant fun & a great summer band. Not only that but very good musicians, travis is one of the best mainstream pop drummers to have come about in the past 10 years.

  3. LOVE kings of leon B) , they are the main reason i'm going to leeds this year, bar from the prodigy, placebo and a few songs from radiohead. The rest is pretty abysmal tbh, where have the foo fighters escaped too, come backkkkkk to leeds!!!

    Have to agree about the first few albums being better than this one, can't enjoy the new album after all this media attention, especially sex on fire and use somebody. When they come on I just have to switch onto the following song on my ipod, stupid media coverage, mainly radio 1's fault!!!

    Just find it really sad how they have changed, you could say developed over the past few years, and how the media has changed them, and it seems there just doing albums to get zilliooons rather than actually loving to play, and loving what they're doing.

    Want to hear the old KOL, Y+YM, aha shake heartbreak :rolleyes::huh:

    Still love KOL though, always will ...

  4. I honestly belief reading could be make or break for them this year. They could pull it off brilliantly and have the ability to come back in 3/4 years and headline or they could completely bottle it and slip off the radar and end up playing nme in a few years. Could be very big for them and I got a feeling they might just pull it off.
  5. Whether or not Jamie T is big enough to headline the tent is completely irrelevant. We have been told of two headliners to be announced, and (unless FR have made a monumental cock-up) we shall have two. Lostprophets are one of them.

    On the official site, the lineup section hasn't even been updated to show Lostprophets. The one on the front page has a logo that looks like it came off of one of the "leaked" posters a month ago. I just don't think that these posters we're getting can really be taken seriously. There is plenty of re-arranging waiting to happen.

  6. Thankyou for making this thread. If I hadn't just come back from the pub I would put my point much more eloquently.

    Jamie T will not healine the NME tent. I'm sure that it was said that:

    A- The Gossip and Glasvegas are co-headlining the Saturday,

    B- There are TWO rock acts yet to be announced.

    I cannot be bothered with reading every post in this thread. I am deeply sorry if my point has already been made, or if I have m issed sommething. My point is simply that there is more to come, and Jamie T is only placed where he is in order to make the poster look nice. :lol:

  7. The fact that is says 'plus Special Guests' beneath Brand New could be relevant. As there are no bands currently below where it says this, why would they need to state that there was a band still to be added here? It could mean that there are special guests still to be added at various points throughout the lineup, i.e. NME headliner on the Friday and above Vampire Weekend for example. This doesn't fit in with how the posters have been displayed in the past but I'd certainly say it's a possibility. But then I could just be clutching at straws!
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