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Messiah Jason

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Posts posted by Messiah Jason

  1. Flamingods are playing 1am at hms sweet charity on Saturday. A friend of mine plays in them but they're genuinely awesome! Played a couple of years ago on the west holts and just recently killed it at field day. Their album majesty is on spotify and YouTube :)


  2. I was feeling the same about Sunday night and had resigned myself to just seeing The XX, but now having checked out Fuck Buttons and Cat Power I know I'll be having a pretty awesome Sunday night.

    The only problem is now one of them is sure to be clashing with Portishead so that's another clash :(

  3. Incase anyone is interested the whole Manchester show has been uploaded onto youtube by someone. http://www.youtube.com/user/abflipworks

    I haven't watched it yet myself but I guess that'll be similar to the sort of performance they'll do at Reading, but longer here obviously. Personally I'll be at Arcade Fire but I've seen Ash a couple of times fairly recently just after they started the A-Z thing and they were really good both times so I'm sure they be great at Reading too.

  4. My friends having a birthday bbq today and it definatly is raining, even though he's not going to glastonbury can this count as some sort of sacrifice to the gods of weather? I'll be in attendance atleast and my burgers might get soggy.

  5. On the subjects of FPS's, does anyone else feel like there hasn't been very many really quality ones this generation? I know alot of people really love Call of Duty and I've played alot of it (4 and and Modern Warfare 2) due to my uni friends always being on it but I've never really seen what's so special about it. Same thing for Halo 3 and ODST, which I prefer to CoD, but still get bored of pretty quickly.

    The only one I've really enjoyed so far is Bioshock (haven't played the second one yet) and Condemned wasn't bad but I still need to play it more before I judge it.

  6. Saw The Ghost last night and didn't feel like I wasted my money. Almost all the trailers looked pretty awful apart from Inception

    Don't think I'l bother with The A-Team

  7. Opening friday would be so good, trying not to get my hopes up becaues it's pretty unlikely but I do want to see them so bad.

    Hope they do atleast tour, it was quite annoying missing out on seeing them because I hadn't paid to be in their club.

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