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Posts posted by serch

  1. i wonder if they were able to get out Joshs inflatable sofa out of those toiles lol don't be suprised if you see one :P

    Toilets aren't that bad on rock am ring and the best trick is to use those on the parkings, they are always clean beacuse almost noone uses them and they get cleaned just like every other toilet on campings :P

    I would be landing in frankfurt right about now and would of been on the camping in about 2 hours maybe next year :P

  2. Limp Bizkit will probably have the best turn out on main stage this year.

    and yeah in previous years if you got there before/when first bands were playing it was possible to just walk into the pit marked with A without any problems but after 2-3 hours it's like Avnon descibed.

    2007 was the best beacuse i kept on running in between the stages and in 90% cases i was either in the pit on main or on alternate stage :D

    oh and btw. have a blast guys and gals!

  3. it was was way easier 2 years ago and kind of dificult already last year to get into first pit part (A) now it will probably be close to impossible as there will be even more people staying there from morning till last performance. hopefully it won't be that bad for you guys, remmember you can always crowd surf and get at least to the B section :D

  4. Hi everyone. Looking to go Opener this year but need some advice. Signed up to see if anyone can help! Basically I would be flying from liverpool into Gdansk on the 1st july. What is the transport from Gdansk to the festival? Secondly, my return flight would be at 6am on the 6th. How would I get back to Gdansk from the campite in time for flight. Are there trains/buses running that late? Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks guys.
  5. i know its amazingly cheap, i'm gonna stay in krakow for 3 days then get the train up. After Open'er heading to Frankfurt for a couple of days then to Portugal for Optimus Alive to see Metallica, its gonna be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. so it looks like im selling my ticket aswell

    549pln, 109pounds, 125euro

    if there's anyone living in poland who is looking for ticket let me know via PM, if no one from poland buys it this week i'll sell it to anyone living in europe.

  7. rummy, i've got no idea about the website (i always bought tickets on train station) from what i can see there are only InterCity (IC) and Express (EX) tickets online https://bilet.intercity.pl/.

    There are also so called "Regional connections" and so called "Pospieszne" (both called in shorcut "TLK") slower then Express with more stops in between, without sits reservations.

    To the discounts. 37%ONLY students under 26 yrs and ONLY for trains marked with TLK or EX in class 2.

    BUT you will have to show a proof of being a student, in poland it's called "legitymacja studentcka" and im not sure how will be the abroad Student ID cards be treated by controllers.

    - ISIC is honored BUT only for Polish Citizens studying abroad etc

    - Euro<26 card isn't accepted by PKP

    About the beer prizes it's usually 5 to 7 PLN in pubs in 3city so the price shouldn't be higher then that.

    Also worth mentioning is that you can't drink beverages on the streets but i doubt they will be able to control that over the weekend lol

  8. This is the page to check train schedule http://rozklad-pkp.pl/?q=en/node/143

    You want to head to "Gdynia Główna" (after typing Gdynia it should come up as 1 choice, "Główna/Główny" means central station for that particular city).

    Online/on train station buying, there might be huge queues to cash desk (if it's good weather most of the people from poznan use trains to get out of the city, don't ask me why lol i've stood 30mins in the queue and waited another 2 hours for the train (good that MC is nearby hehe))

    They'll probably sell beer in 0.5L cups (that's littlbe bit less then 1pint) but the price seems right it should be around 6-7PLN, in normal shop it will be about half of that :huh: A pizza at decent place is something in between 12-16PLN, a huge burgger is around 6-7PLN but on festival areas they'll probably be more pricy.

    And about shuttle busses, there are normal city busses running to/from the entrance normally.

    While you're still at home you might want to fill out that form they have for people camping on open'er, it's on their site (info point > camping it's there).

  9. They heaven't been posted yet

    The stages will in 99% be in the same spots, the only difference from last year will be probably missing camping ground A7 and car parking next to it, there're construction works in that places from what i've seen.

    I've only got camping grounds layout from 07 but the entrance was in different place and there was a parking (which turned out to be a camping place afterall lol) and now it's in a way of main entrance

  10. rock am ring FAQ 2009 (from the main site google translation lol http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n...istory_state0=)

    Q: When is the final schedule with times determined?

    A: All news and information is always up to date on our website: www.rock-am-ring.com. The exact schedule for the event year is only a relatively short period (until about 4 weeks before the event) are determined and published. The times are about 2 weeks before the festival announced that because it always changes to come, and the schedule as closely as possible to be.

    Q: If the output tape the whole weekend?

    A: The ribbon is output by the arrival on Wednesday 03 Jun, 12:00 clock all weekend to open! The opening times of the band spending can be found at "Around the Festival - Check!

    Q: Is 2009 the North Loop open for visitors?

    A: The Northern Loop will be open this year. In order to camp there will be an additional ticket is required. This is already sold out for 2009!

    Q: If you have the option of a park or campground to reserve?

    A: This is not possible because it is very large lawns acts, which are simply impossible to reserve a place. Who wants to camp together should arrive together!

    Q: Is there water and electricity connections to the campsites?

    A: At the campsites, there is no electricity or water connections for the individual vehicles. It is located on the campsite toilets installed.

    Q: Are there on the festival grounds and shopping opportunities to the area around a supermarket?

    A: There are several large camping area, A2, B5, C2, D5, and on B2 near the main entrance Survival markets have opened, where you with food and beverages can. Moreover, in surrounding communities such as Adenau, large supermarkets throughout the weekend.

    Q: What is meant by "open fire is not allowed" mean? If grilling on camping sites banned?

    A: This means that open fire, for safety reasons, prohibited. A small closed grill and gas stove are allowed. When improper use gas cylinders, however, be confiscated for the remainder of the stay.

    Q: What types of packaging of the beverages are allowed?

    A: On the camping area can all types of packaging are welcome.

    At the festival you can drink up to a magnitude of 1l (one liter) only in the content original sealed TETRA PAK packages of this size to be taken.

    Q: Can I use my photo or video camera to the festival grounds along?

    A: Disposable cameras and pocket cameras are allowed. Video cameras, professional cameras and SLR cameras are prohibited.

    Q: I am a member of a club band and would like to take breaks!

    A: It is at Rock am Ring is not a single concert, but a festival appearance under conditions, ie with very limited schedules and limited space. Therefore we can not accept any concessions Fanclub Usual (Meet & Greet) or similar offer. Please contact your club leadership.

    Q: We are a band and would like at Rock am Ring Stage club on the evening!

    A: We are all in contact bands, whose performances we at Rock am Ring wish, therefore it makes little sense to us an application form. On the club days play no newcomer bands, but bands that already have a certain reputation have.

    Q: What is the difference between Rock am Ring and Rock im Park?

    A: Rock im Park takes place in the city of Nuremberg in Bavaria instead. Rock am Ring is simultaneously sent to the Formula-1-racetrack Nürburgring in the Eifel organized. There are two festivals at the same bands, but on different days. The maps are within the two festivals are not transferable.

    Q: I have a question about a particular artist!

    A: We give no information about unconfirmed artists. Once an artist is confirmed, you will find the information is always first on our website: www.rock-am-ring.com.

    Q: I would like Rock am Ring times backstage experience!

    A: This area is reserved exclusively to the artists and working people of the organizers reserved. For security reasons, there is only party to stop.

    Q: I am not yet an adult, I still rock to the ring?

    A: infants and young children is to stay on the festival grounds is not allowed. Children 8 to 16 years must be accompanied by a legal guardian accompany. The Minors Act, on the whole validity of terrain, ie 16-18-year to 24.00 clock must leave the premises. This does not apply if accompanied by an adult person, the written consent of the parents has the effect that this person for the duration of the festival takes over the supervision requirement. Parent within the meaning of the Act is:

    any person who either alone or jointly with another person under the provisions of the Civil Code, the person concerned is entitled (father, mother, guardian)

    any other person over 18 years, provided they have an agreement with the Person-custodian responsibilities of the persons concerned is responsible. Where under this Act to the accompaniment by a parent or guardian arrives, these people have their right to request in writing. That means if your accompanying person (sister, brother, boyfriend, girlfriend) to have this person over 18 years old and your concerns persons authorized by a written agreement explaining that this escort function as a guardian for you over, you can the event until the time promised to visit. The accompanying person must be allowed.

    Q: What should people with disabilities consider?

    A: Disabled people who have a passport with a B feature, get your companion a free card, your sound card must be paid regularly. Please apply for you to purchase the tickets at tickets via mail at: www.ticketsperpost.de or under: 069 - 944 36 60.

    There is a special disabled entrance. The camp for people with disabilities is D10, this is combined parking and camping permits, there are the necessary sanitary facilities. Where exactly is this camp, you can find on the map in "Around the festival."

    Disability grandstand is located on the pit roof, from which there is a direct view of the center days,. In the alternative, and the club these days, there are reasons of space, unfortunately not.

    For all fields an accompanying person must be taken.

    Q: I can not for long, there is a possibility for me to put me?

    A: People who can not stand long, can look forward to the wheelchair grandstand pass (where it is located, to see the description of the previous item). Here there is no seating. It is then allowed a small folding chair in the form of an angler chair with you.

    Q: Will it be this year at Rock am Ring Day give?

    A: No, Rock am Ring 2009 is already sold out.

    Q: My friends go before me and I travel to. Can I get together with them to camp?

    A: If your friends already have a tent for you and bring it up, it will not be a problem even on the same camp to come and camp with them. You will not, however, in the parking lot at this camp can park and then have you of the assigned parking in the parking lot to run the campground or take a shuttle bus.

    Q: We are traveling with a caravan and car's. Can we camp together?

    A: Who with a caravan or a motorhome arrive automatically at the campsite for caravans and motorhomes received. On the campsite is combined Caravan parks and camping allowed. With a car you can not at this camp. The only way this combination is to camp on the north loop.

    Q: From what I can size vehicle on the campsite for caravans and mobile homes go?

    A: As of arrival with a minibus can be found at the campsite for caravans and mobile homes travel.

    Q: I travel with a car and want to combine parking and camping!

    A: This possibility exists only on the north loop. On all other campsites must be separate parking and camping. It is not permitted on the campsite to go to his abzuladen things and then his car on the parking situation. A trailer can be on the camping grounds are, however, this must be from the parking lot at the camp should be considered.

    Q: I travel with a motorcycle on!

    A: The camp for Motorcyclists can be found on D10 and is combined with the campsite for the disabled persons. This combination may be parked and gecampt.

  11. I think it's enough to say last year we saw mist every night, it even got mentioned by Richard Ashcroft from the Verve (as he thought it was a smoke machine lol) and burning sun during the day which most of us suffered from.

    Hint: remmember not to fall asleep during the day outside the tent without sunscreen on lol

  12. hahn airport is middle of nowhere but i've been able to get late bus two years ago.

    there's a bus at 00:30 Kastellaun 00:55 01:35 bis Köln, Hbf 03:00 (Bohr) Abfahrt an Haltestelle 7

    the other part is what to do at koblenz train station at 1:35am lol (buses to ring are running from 10am or something like that)

    you can try to get a taxi from there to nurburgring with some people (chances aren't that great) it was around 100-120euros from there, or just get a taxi straight from hahn

  13. Camping grounds "officialy" open on midday wednesday, at least they did in previous years but you can camp there even before that. "Officialy" means that you can get wrist bands from that moment aswell.

    If you end up getting there after midnight (when those offices giving out wrist bands are closed on wednesday) you can get it with just showing the ticket to security :blink:

    and about the camping stove, I've got no idea hehe

  14. There's a chance to get tickets on the ground, in the actual price that they were bought, 125,135 euros. There are people whos friends couldn't make it or so and are getting rid of tix just to get money back, early thursday is probably the easiest way to find tickets like that, there isn't lots of them but still that's an option if nothing comes up ;).

  15. in years prior to 2008, there were only 2 barriers (stage/pit barier and pit/rest barrier) even on main stage, i was able to get in there without much hasle on most concerts in 2007, with 3 barriers in place it's almost impossible beacuse there aren't alot of people going out of these areas and "circulation" isn't that great beacuse people know it will be hard to get back in the same spot, you had to be next to the barriers before concert started. On most popular bands, metallica playing after offspring, they weren't leting anyone into the pit in between concerts beacuse it was so packed.

    I've noticed alot of people just staying there for a whole day or a half when in 2007 you could run in between stages and get into the pit beacuse a lot of people were moving between stages :ph34r:

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