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Posts posted by swd56

  1. i think the prick who threw the scissors should have been found and beat to death!what sort of human would do that to another?scum like that should not be at festivals!gutted they didnt play bitter end,nancy boy or running up that hill!

  2. i think you couldnt have summed this great event up any better my old festival buddy.there is one thing you've missed out tho.............................................the bond that the 2 sets of brothers will be bringing to this years get together!

    oh and dish of course!!!


  3. Last year the stand out band on the original line-up for me was Slipknot. I was gutted when they pulled out and even more pissed off when a plane flew over the Leeds site promoting their new album at the time they were due to perform. Another band I was keen to see were Avenged Sevenfold, they were bad for the 3 or 4 songs they did ( fair enough they were ill ) so I thought the two may appear this year to make up last years let downs. Anyone heard if they are to perform?

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