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Posts posted by whatmidlifecrisis?

  1. 3 hours ago, Boomtowner said:

    I admit I'm a bit sad. But really excited that we have a Vocation bar and a Magic Rock bar in the arena.  Can't wait to see what they're stocking. Less than 2 days to go!

    Not at all. BT virgin, pretty excited for it all but esp. the bars 🙂 

  2. First year of trying that our group failed. 6 out of 36 were lucky. Really pleased for all those that have their golden ticket. Gutted for the rest of us. Ah well, it is only a festival........ :shout:

  3. Is anyone else still experiencing this issue. My iPhone 6 is all but unusable for eFests as every time I open it I am re-directed to App Store. I have cleared the cache, blocked popups and it still occurs. I load the page - an ad loads at the top and bang - page redirects (several times) to various urls and then opens App Store (one of the URLS always being href.ii).


    Apple forums suggest it is ad hijacking effectively making the whole screen a hotspot to open the ad's redirect to app store. Interestingly on Wifi it does not seem to happen - just happens on 4G (vodafone). Some suggest it is a bug with Safari that Apple are failing to address - it is just odd that it does not affect all iPhone users.


    Ok so the festival is over for another year but I cannot go cold turkey with eFests..........


    Any pointers welcome!

  4. Because of the concentration of it being so many people in such a short period of time.  There are only a few hundred cows, consuming grass, compared to 135,000 punters consuming as much as they can throw in their bodies.


    Thanks Spindles. 

  5. Go to the bottom of the croissant neuf field. I'll sort you out a fire. By the giant table.

    Absolutely this. We had three and we're burning the remnants last night. Great to meet you, I was long a few ciders so apologies if I rambled a little.

  6. Apart from the ill informed seeming to gloat at the possibility that the best week of my year will be washed out I also get the 'aren't you gutted that you got your ticket expecting the Foos and you are getting Florence instead'

    Thankfully I could not give a flying whatnot what anyone else believes. its almost here people.

    Big thanks to all on this thread for the hard work and humour. It has been emotional.

  7. Getting annoyed at people in work now .. 'Oh I've heard it's going to be a washout this year isn't it. It said so in The Mirror. Good luck, glad it's not me!"

    Sadly, my response of "Pedmills, Briddj, Jackone etc on the efestivals forum have reassured us that it'll all be fine with light showers across Friday and Sunday" has fallen on deaf ears.

  8. Don't post much. Lurk a lot, but don't post. Just like to thank to all for making my commute bearable as I look forward to the best week of the year. Please don't stop. For the Met heads on here....

    Damn it, no idea how to post a video clip. just google.....

    ' leslie nielsen quotes we re all counting on you'

    You'll get my point.

  9. Drop stuff at any of them, at any point of the day. Go back as and when needed. Remember your code number. No cost (donations welcome and polite). Never full, no keys, nice people. Great idea to drop a bag with spare money, cigarettes, clothing, etc in the middle of the site somewhere for use later on. If you get wasted and forget, no worry, just go back the next day - you stuff will be safe.

    Must re-iterate the code number from your receipt. Text it to yourself, photograph it, write it on your arm, just do not forget it (the ticket is easily mislaid). If you do it will take lot longer to get your gear out as they need to search through lots of books to find you.

    Queues are rarely more than a a few minutes in my experience.

    *edit - many similar responses before I pressed go.

  10. Saw them a few months back at the Indigo2 in Greenwich playing Legends. They were first class and if you haven;t I would recommend. Said to my son that night it would be great to see them in the sunshine at Glastonbury. I am hoping that they do not clash with Dolly. The legend's slot at the pyramid is somewhat of a tradition for our camp to all be together and this clash will split us firmly down the middle.

    For me it has to be the Wailers.

    One Love.

  11. Firstly - I am not a doctor.

    Exactly one year ago today I badly broke my knee playing football. Something deemed as life changing injury as you never fully recover but that all sounded a little dramatic to me.I had to have an op, bone graft, pates and pins and was told I would not be able to weight bear for 3 months. I stuck to the rules and did as I was told. I was out of plaster ten weeks later and in a removable leg brace for a further few weeks. Glastonbury was my first milestone and I made it. It was touch and go and my surgeon told me to wear the brace at the festival but my friends/family pitched my tent and carried my gear and with their help I enjoyed it like any previous one. It stopped me seeing as much of course but meant that when I got somewhere I tended to stay put for a while so I got to see some things I generally wouldn't have.

    This year I have my metal work removed 6 weeks before G day so I am lining up my Sherpas to help again!

    I am sure you'll be fine...

    Good luck!

  12. Seen him live once 15ish years ago. Tickets came up and I thought 'why not?'. Best random gig I have ever been too - or at least a close second to Prince. I have a broad range of (questionable?) tastes I might add. The set list above was pretty much what he played that night and it was a cracker. Headliner material without a doubt imho - too big for novelty legend (although I would not put Cohen down as a novelty and he played on a Sunday afternoon).

    I would like this very much!

  13. Good advice on the tablets/remedies here. Just to add if it is any consolation that I suffer from hay fever and have done for years. Some years worse than others. I have never suffered at Glastonbury for some reason. I live in London and I understand that it has something to do with pollen and pollution that makes mine so bad sometimes - the cleaner air of Somerset makes things a lot easier. Worth taking the precautions mentioned but you may be surprised that it affects you less.

  14. Been through this with son and daughter at Glastonbury. They are both pretty level headed and my daughter was probably the worse at 16 - too many Brothers out of sight with her older cousins. Nothing major - no puke in tents just a bit jaded the following morning.

    They have both been brought up with alcohol around and also seen the worst it can do with a family member so have a reasonably healthy respect for it. I would go for the compromise approach as stated above - "you can have a few tinnies but no buying from the bars and if you do and get drunk then all privileges stop". I would def check with the other lad's parents as well.

    Thankfully mine are 18 and 21 this year and I am looking forward to them buying for me!

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