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Posts posted by LemonTeaFTW

  1. The problem with using that method is that, if everyone did it, then you'd end up shelling out what you saved from not using the stalls in a higher ticket price - after all, the money made by the festival from the stall holders is less money that needs to be made via the ticket price.

    So while you think you're saving yourself money (and on a individual basis you might be), overall for all ticket holders there's no saving.

  2. It's only vaguely shit because it's in response to your know-nothing posts. Do grow up, eh? :(

    If you care to ask the people at FR who run the markets if what I said happened happened then you'll get to hear that it's true.

    Now, do you have anything of sense to say, or is know-nothing bullshit the limit of your contributions here? :D

  3. For example, I'm aware that at Reading this year there was a trader doing breakfasts at £7, who was hassled by the price-checkers to reduce it to the 'standard' price of a fiver - despite that trader supplying a breakfast nearly twice as good as those doing those more standard breakfasts. Luckily, sense prevailed (tho not by the price checkers) and the trader was authorised to revert to the higher price.
  4. rocktwat, cockgeek... these are hysterical names to call someone else over the internet who you have never met or unlikely to ever meet :rolleyes::D:) I've only stopped crying with laughter. It's unusual that someone nowadays displays such a creative form of wit. I bow down to the person beind the "eFestivals" username.

    AFAIK, headliners were booked at the focus group, but again, it's who you choose to believe. Neil/Melvin from FR or the 'close' friends of the owner of this site.

    Either way, does it really matter? I guess if you need to be right on the internet it does.

    rocktwat... that is so funny.

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