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gil balls

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Posts posted by gil balls

  1. Would like to see at least U2, but in previous years the Pyramid stage has been ruined because I couldn't see a thing. This was thanks to increasing numbers of t*ssers who thought that I'd be much more interested in viewing their football team/country of origin/unfunny slogan printed on a bedsheet, stuck on a long pole and waved randomly in front of the stage. I'm too old/knackered to fight my way into the pit at the front of the stage, so does anyone have any suggestions as to how to see the Pyramid from a comfortable distance, avoiding flagw*nkers?


  2. My mate cancelled his ticket about 2 months ago cos he didnt have the money to go

    However he received an email saying the ticket had been dispatched and it arrived yesterday

    Any thoughts? Would u say if he arrives at the gate the ticket might get rejected??

  3. I have never had a problem leaving some booze back at that car. We arrive on Weds so having a

    wander back for more on the Friday or Saturday morning is hardly a chore. TBH I quite enjoy the

    walk back , gets the old legs going.


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