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Posts posted by Superdan

  1. Sorry it' taken so long to get back on here, but first chance i've had yet :P

    Just a quick note to say cheers all for the info and help it really was spoton and helped out heaps.

    Noodles,Jimbot and Squig, was great to meet you all (and any others i don't seem to remember!)

    Top 5 for me was definately the saturday night trio of Machine Head-Prodigy-Slipknot, and friday's KSE and Basement Jaxx. (although not impressed by KSE's sound, was dog's breakfast unfortunately).

    Cheers again, and hopefully see you in another couple of years :)



  2. Cheers for the email Steve :lol:

    My Placebo offer is still open for anyone by the way... Looks like I will be running a merch comp for them around June so anyone who wants to know when that go's live send me an email and I'll let ya know :angry:

    Ian / SK

  3. So, here's some crappy news from my camp.

    My boyfriend and I have broken up so it seems that my month long euro trip will be with me, myself and I.

    If anyone wants to help keep a lonely little Aussie girl company during RaR let me know, although I plan to make some campsite friends no matter what!

  4. Hey all, another quickie if anyone has time... :lol:

    RE: the shuttle bus from Koblenz to the ring;

    We're arriving in Koblenz on the friday around 3pm, and then heading to where we're staying near the ring. Just need to know if the shuttle is just for people, or for people and gear as well? ie: will the bus take people with camping gear and/or luggage to the ring?

    Cheers again


  5. Ok, had a look and from what i can see (or make sense of!) from these bands websites (as of right now), lineup is as follows;


    Marilyn Manson,


    Flogging Molly






    Billy Talent

    more to follow if a can be arsed, or anyone feel free to take over...

  6. Was trying to work out the shuttle/bus timetables on the RaR site, and can't work out when the last ones leave...

    Any veterans that can comment on the departing times for the shuttles to Koblenz?

    I had only thought, going by just the timetables, that the last one left at midnight, but that would just SUCK!!!

    Reading and trying to translate as i go, there's something there that says like 4am!? (http://www.rock-am-ring.com/shuttlebusse.html)


  7. Ok folks, i've had to make the call to choose Friday/Satday over Satday/Sunday. Judging by previous years i reckon that'd be the safest bet. Looks like a bigger night on the friday.

    Any thoughts to the contrary??

  8. Yup, got mine the other day, i got mine through eventim.de, took around 5-6 days delivered by DHL. cost 35euros from memory. (is that what you did??)

    They're just the normal paper/thin cardboard ones like from ticketmaster etc. here, but a bit bigger. (i'll take a photo when im home if you like?)

    Noodles, are you flying straight into Germany? or are you travelling around beforehand? if it's straight into germany, then i'd be taking a tent and ditching it (or adding it to the bonfire as someone else mentioned, haha) there's no way i'd be lugging that thing around for too long!!

    EDIT: Pics of Tics :rolleyes:


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