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Posts posted by duwey

  1. Ok, so my mate is there already and has said that you can only bring in booze in your firts trip. No going back for booze. If this is the case i'm f**king furious. I am a grown woman, not a f**king child who needs to be told where I can and can't take booze. I knew about this arena rule but if this bullshit rule is true about only one load of booze to come in then the organisers and this festival is a f**king disgrace and it will be the first and last time I will be going to Kendal Calling.

  2. Not long now kids :) - first time at KC for us and wishing there was an aerial map of the site - we couldn't get into the quiet camping and I'm hoping to hell we don't get next to some screaming kids - over 40 and my tolerance level has gone right down ;)

    How rammed does the main camping area get? Are we talking decent size pitches like a normal camp site or Glastonbury tent to tent-ness? Also we've a group of 4 tents and were gonna whang a gazebo up in the middle - room for this? I know it says no gazebos but was wondering how rigidly this was policed.

    Have just come back from a lovely weekend at the Rock and Bike Festival in Loughborough and if KC is anything like that I'll be a very happy camper.

  3. The Facebook page says there are only 200 tickets left so in the event you decide not to go I'm sure it would be easy to shift your tickets on ebay or preferably scarlet mist.

    I'm hoping for some good band announcements soon too, fed up with this dubstep lark that everyone keeps going on about! :angry:

  4. The Facebook page today had a posting saying Blondie had confirmed as a headliner on her own website. Anyone know anything more about this? This isn't what I was hoping for but I guess its a pretty big name, hoping for some more Calvin Harris/Doves-type acts announced next though!

  5. Nice one mate, this has been helpful.

    Think we're looking for a good experience anyway so we'll probably drive down.

    Just one thing... did you book all the ferries and the hostel etc. in advance or did you just head down there and see what happened.

    I'm just thinking that this would take a hell of a lot of planning. And how much did you spend on petrol? (approx.)

  6. Hi we drove down in 2009. Took about 15 days in total. We got the ferry from Dover to Calais then drove across to St Gilles on the west coast near Nantes, nice little town. Camped in someone's garden for free as my mate knew them which was a bonus! We then drove down the west coast and across to Perpignan where we stayed a couple of days. Seemed like a good place but we were camping on the outskirts so didn't see much of it. We drove down to Benicassim from there and stayed from Tues til Mon I think it was. I'd definitely recommend getting there at least a couple of days before the festival and making the most of the free camping at Beni. a) it's free and you'll have paid a fair amount for campsites, petrol and toll roads already, and b ) it's a great laugh! Useful having a car to sleep in for the great storm of 2009 too! After Beni we drove up to the foothills of the Pyrannees and stayed at a campsite near a lake. Driving through the Pyrannees is probably the most fun driving I've ever had, the scenery is amazing. It was pretty nice to stay in a relaxing campsite again too after hammering it at Beni for a week. After that we drove up to San Sebastian and stayed in a hostel for the last night. Thought we'd treat ourselves to a proper bed and one last big night out. The idea was good but unless we completely missed the best spots of San Sebastian I definitely wouldn't recommend it. Hardly any restaurants, all the bars were overpriced and were more like cafes than bars and couldn't find any clubs. Maybe we just missed the good spots though. From there we drove to Santander and got the 24 hour ferry back to Plymouth (this was pretty expensive and we only did this coz we couldn't afford any more time off work so had to think of a way of getting back quickly. If you hired a car instead of using your own I guess you could drop it off at Valencia/Barca and fly back?)

    Anyway, I'd definitely recommend doing it, it was a great holiday. As someone said above, pretty much all the main roads in France and quite often in Spain are toll roads but I can't remember how much they were. I don't think they were too unreasonable. The £ has strengthened slightly against the € since we went so it would be a bit cheaper now but who knows what it'll be like by July! Petrol was slightly cheaper than the UK but again, this may have changed with the oil prices over the last couple of years. Campsites along the way, I'd try to find the cheapest you can that don't look too horrible. You have a car anyway so can get to shops and town centres easily. We just tended to end up going to a nearby beach, playing football or sitting by the tent with some cans. It will definitely be more expensive than just flying but remember you'll get an extended holiday including an awesome festival and a road trip with your mates. Well worth it in my opinion.

    Just realised this wasn't really much help, it was just me reminiscing. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll have a think and try to actually be some help instead!

  7. It now turns out that there have been loads of complaints from people that things haven't been delivered in that area and that the postman is new to the job. They don't know if he's been stealing stuff, delivering it to the wrong address or just not delivering it!

    The area manager is interviewing him first thing in the morning to try to get to the bottom of it and once they know what's happened they'll be putting priority on sorting out the special delivery items. So there's still a slight chance!

  8. Dude if they were sent special delivery u should have a number below a barcode. This is the number you can put in the website tracker and it should say if it was defo delivered. I'm a postman :( and I am very honest unlike some it appears. Keep at them if something bad has happened to the tickets, turning up to the office and kicking the f**k off is ur best bet. They will fob u off with loads of shit on the phone!!!!

    Good luck mate, if its of any help my mate bought a weekend camping ticket for £70 outside last year as someone was desperate to get rid!

  9. Never getting the ticket back. Check they havent been took away to a Royal Mail collection point because there was nobody in to sign for them... At least you will get your money back, but its not the point, makes you look a c**t and as you say its wreked 2 peoples weekend, they should give you a lot more than just your money back.

  10. I sent 2 tickets to a mate on Monday by Royal Mail Special Delivery as I had no other way of getting them to them except meeting them outside which would be pretty difficult. Royal Mail say they've been delivered (but can't provide me with a signature yet) but they definitely haven't been delivered to them or neighbours.

    Has this ever happened to anyone else and is there anyway V would reissue the tickets if I cancelled them and collected them on Friday? There's a barcode on the tickets so surely this is possible??

    We should get the money back from Royal Mail as Special Delivery is insured up to £500 but that's not the point, 2 people's weekend is ruined because of Royal Mail's incompetence/dishonesty!

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