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_Warriors Dance_

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Posts posted by _Warriors Dance_

  1. I was skipping all the way through the coverage - pish!

    The only dance act they showed was that DJ fresh tune and it looked god awful cos the chick was so out of breath and DJ Fresh wasn't even DJ'ing!!!!

    Made Rockness look shite.

  2. Did anyone else go to this? I thought it was all over and we heard some folk singing in the tent at the top of the hill.

    There was an A & B station (2 DJ's). Anyone know who the B DJ was? He ended up doing press ups on the stage in a mankini haha

    The last song the tent was screaming "don't look back in Anger" by Oasis.

    So who was the "B" DJ and did anyone else share this epic experience?

  3. I've seen Deadmau5 3 times now and thought his Rockness set was poor. Barrowlands was the best. His helmet is cool though. I like the cat face with the eyes getting bigger and smaller lol.

  4. Dog check is mainly as you enter the gates (hand over your ticket). There will be dogs in the campsite but to be honest it's not that bad if you keep your wits about you. Don't remember seeing dogs in the arena, Sometimes at the arena entrance.

  5. When I was in the queue every person got sniffed by a dog. I won't repeat what has been said above but I would recommend not wearing clothes that have been in contact with drugs i.e. grengo. So don't wear the same clothes you were wearing when you were getting baked the night before.

  6. Last year at Rockness some really nice folk from Inverness camped beside us. They brought with them a high powered speaker that sounded really good. it was powered by a drill battery! The speaker wasn't that big but it looked like it was designed to be able to last! This thing could of fell off a scaffold and survived! I'm looking for one for general outdoor use.

    Anyone know what I'm on about?

  7. 07 was probably my favourite Rockness but that's probably just because I saw the best live act I have seen.

    Thinking about Rockness then and Rockness now...depressing.


    And Nite Versions before it was epic, can't miss out that...waw

  8. ...so in England and Wales your looking at 33 per year which is a blip on the map(33,000 per year in UK for alcohol, 100,000 for tobacco and 600,000 thousand in total). The whole idea about drugs and ecstasy especially being highly deadly is one big, hairy bollox of a myth created by the UK redtops.

  9. Don't really understand that graph mate. Cannabis has not caused any deaths as far as I'm aware and can't imagine it causing any harm from smoking it. Ecstacy which is lower in that chart causes deaths. I'm not trying to spark and argument or anything I just don't understand what your graph is showing :unsure:

  10. Yeah...was waiting for the Glasgow Happy Bus for like 2 hours on the way back. Was f***ing horrible. That's the last thing you want after 3 days of hardcore partying.

    Does anyone think we could get money back seen as it was sooo late?

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