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Posts posted by diamondt

  1. It's too early to be listing bands just now, but some general suggestions - if a band played last year or this year and sucked or just weren't very good (I know it's very difficult for those involved in the organisation to admit it but there are quite a few bands that play each year that don't really cut it - anyone remember Morning Runner? Thought not), don't book them again for 2010, even if they're local (anyone remember...ok I won't mention them). If bands really went down well last year or this year, book them again, particularly if they've packed out one of the smaller stages. Get one or two of the classic Jamaican reggae stars that are still performing, one or two of the more intelligent US hip hop stars, and a few of the more interesting African artists on the bill - a 3-day festival can stand a little more variety. Don't let the line-up get formulaic - too many people seem to want a 'legends' slot here or a 'cheesy' slot there. And get the vegan takeaway stall back - I'm gonna be hungry this year.
  2. Revolutionary Road.

    Surprisingly thought-provoking. Resonated with where my life is at. Don't be put off by Kate Winslett's nauseating lovie awards ceremony acceptance speech.

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