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Posts posted by LilMissSmiley

  1. I was at the front of the pyramid crowd with my fella last year watching Amy Winehouse just after she 'punched a fan' when she decided to stop right in front of us and 'sing' the camera was just on the three of us so we felt quite famous after lots of txts from people saying they had seen our 15 seconds of fame :S

  2. The Glasto food conversations started in earnest today. What began as... "Right, gas, noodles, maybe some marinated chicken with some rice when we get to camp..." ended up, inevitably, with a list of stalls to revisit, and the excitement of what's going to be the "best food I've ever eaten ever" for this year :P

    Got to get some chicken tikka naans again, they were lush. Square Pie, sausage mash and red wine gravy from by the other stage, I want to try the organic fish place, nachos up from the Park it seems, and hordes of chai tea - more chai tea than would be needed to sink a naval fleet. I've found out I'm lactose intolerant this year, so I'm hoping there will be plenty of lactose-alternative chais about, any ideas?

    Chicken Tikka Naans? MMM where are they from?

  3. Anybody else finish their degree/exams this week? Had my last ever exam yesterday and celebrated with some Brothers in the local :blink: find out my degree results the week before Glasto as well so im doubly excited for my 2nd Glastonbury!

  4. Definitely take mini packs of tissues rather than the roll, nothing worse than soggy or dirty loo roll left lying around the tent and think wer ru going to put it while u go?

    Lots of baby wipes and hand gel :( take lots of cereal bars/nutrigrain type of stuff for when u get the munchies!

    It gets ridiculously cold at night, if your camping with ur partner or a good friend and no matter how many layers or how high u zip ur sleeping bag up i found it better to unzip two bags so its like a double sheet and blanket so u benefit from the body heat :(

    Keep everything valuable well hidden and tie the zips together from the inside with a shoe lace, we were walkin round on the thurs morning at 5am and had someone ask us what we were doing as a few people had been robbed near our tent :S

    Take an over the shoulder bag if u worry about back packs in the crowd it doesnt have to be big but its enough to get ur phone, camera, money etc in .... on that note if your not in the tent take everything with you that you wouldnt happily leave in a hotel room!

  5. Just listenin to an interview with Dizzee live on Radio 1 and he said hes playing Glastonbury his set has been 'moved up to a better slot on the main stage on Saturday'

    There ya go :(

  6. Welllllll i was only making suggestions based on what other people have said about schedules/rumours etc. Personally i dont actually think Razorlight or Beyonce will play but i think theres a good chance of James Morrison playing...he didnt play last year, not that that matters as Lily Allen's played 2 years in a row as did Winehouse etc...

    Sorry for getting excited! :D:D:lol:

  7. We stayed over in Glastonbury town and got one of the first coaches to the site Wednesday morning, about 8/9am there was quite a queue at the gates but it probably took half an hour max to get in and i was sat in the sun by 10am with the tent up :)

  8. It was my first time at Glastonbury last year and although i wasnt robbed, there were definitely people lurking. My boyfriend and i came back to our tent at about 4am Thursday morning and were stopped by one of the campsite crew who were checking we were going to our tent(!) then told us that there had been quite a few thefts near where we were camped. We just made sure we took our valuables with us (money, camera, phone, etc) but apart from that, your in the middle of a field so its not wise to take anything easily breakable anyway!! When we went to bed we tied up the zips from the inside so that wandering hands couldnt get in. Its best to make friends with the neighbours so they know who should be going in your tent. Obviously theres going to be the odd dirty **stards who slash ur tent but if ur careful you will stand a better chance :)

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