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Posts posted by bluebirds69

  1. Square Festival security from a professional dog handler’s point of view…….. The festival

    would not have taken place if the security provisions had not been present, as part of the license conditions as required by the police and organisers. I couldn’t believe the amount of visitors who ignored the signs saying NO GLASS, and tried to enter with bottles of beer, wine and spirits, as this was part of the license agreement the venue could have been closed down, but thanks to the security checks people were not refused entry, they were just asked to transfer the liquid to plastic containers which were provided.

    A large amount of knives and possible weapons were also found as people entered the venue, possibly saving someone from being injured or worse.

    Drugs were also found, (what a shock) as a dog handler I was disgusted when my dog had a

    syringe stuck his face as he patrolled the perimeter, this could have been a CHILD. Who then would have been to blame? The organisers for not providing sufficient security measures to

    protect festival goers. No the tossers who were responsible for throwing the needle on the floor.

    yes i agree security should be there but they should spend a little more time in the camping fields and then maybe people tents would not have been robbed like they :D were] we had all our children dvd players and psp players stolen

    The dog handlers were there to prevent people who hadn't paid for a ticket entering illegally and enjoying the same privileges as those who had. I stopped at least 30 people over the weekend from coming through the bushes at the rear of the site, that’s a lot of money to loose.

    When the festival ended Saturday and Sunday night NO ONE was prevented from leaving, they left because the music had stopped, and they left very happy, indeed a lot of them thanked us for looking after them.

    If some of the people who attended the venue hadn’t been either high on drugs or drunk, non of the complaints would have been made and the measures to protect people would have been

    appreciated, but then professional security staff and professional dog handlers are always in the wrong for doing their job, and if they don't do their job they are still criticised.

    Those in the security industry are used to dealing with idiots who cant see beyond their own noses and have to take criticism for doing a job nobody else would do, but still carry on doing it for the satisfaction of knowing they have probably saved someone from being injured.

    As for the security staff both on patrol and at the entrance to the venue they did an excellent job, over the two day period only a couple of people were evicted and that was for being drunk and abusive trying to spoil everyone else’s weekend.

    So I say to all those whinging about the professionals protecting them, enabling them to enjoy themselves in a pleasant atmosphere, think twice and be grateful.

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