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Posts posted by missniki

  1. this thread does make me laugh. high temperatures have been forecast for a week now, there's no doubting that. and the rain that's coming looks be be SHOWERS, albiet some thundery, but i don't think they'll last for long if they do come... i think we're on to a great, hot fest, and any mud will IMMEDIATELY be dried out due to the hot temperatures!

    who's with me?

  2. After fannying around far too much and buying ridiculous items I am still minus wellies 2 days before the festival :lol:

    I just ordered some from Amazon ticking the box that said they would be here in 1-2 working days, but now I have paid for them they have said they won’t be here till the 30th! Fat lot of good they’ll do me then! :)

    I am now minus money AND minus wellies. Argh. Tesco bags on my feet it is then :)

    Am hoping they will either give me my money back or deliver them earlier. Otherwise does anyone have any tips on shops selling them? (Just plain ones I am adverse to silly flowery ones!) I am too skint for fancy Hunters ones, anything 20 quid or less would be ideal.

    Any advice? Apart from that I am good to go :lol:


  3. the food, last year anyway, was 'tarka dahl' - like curried lentils with a lush garlic / chili topping. genuinely amazing food. you get a big helping and a poppadom too. i've tried cooking it at home but nothing's come close!

  4. Hurrah for missniki for the lovely detailed reply, and to answer jenn666 no I haven't yet, I do like to ponder these things :lol:

    I would be having it all to myself, so hopefully it would be roomy enough. It is supposed to have 3000 hydrostatic head so should be ok on the not letting water in. I do spend v little time in my tents at festis, and other people that we are camping with will have a gazebo or large porch, so that's not such an issue for me. Did you put things through the little zip bit at your head??

    Anyway thanks v much for the replies, I'm looking again this weekend, so will have a look at the Tempest. Ohh it is exciting only 4 weeks to go :D

  5. Hello all

    I'm thinking of going to melt this year with my boyfriend. We were really impressed with the lineup last year and if it's going to be as good this year we'll definitely be making the trip over. Just a few questions though:

    - is it advisable to book the train from Berlin to the fest in advance? I guess it would be busy? Is there a better way of travelling down? I see cool tours run a bus from Berlin's airports straight to the festival - is this any good?

    - what are food and drink prices like inside the festival? obviously coming from the UK we don't want to carry much. I'm also assuming that like normal festivals you can consume your drinks inside the campsites but not the arena? I'm confised by what it says in the FAQ on the site (Any kind of glass, cans, jerry cans, plastic bottles and food are prohibited on the festival site. You are allowed to bring one (1) non-alcoholic Tetrapak of 1.5 liters. Moreover, the tab water in the non-Dixi toilets qualifies as drinking water. Be free to bring your own food and drinks onto the camping site.) <<<< ?

    Any help would be appreciated!

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