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Posts posted by Woz06

  1. 5 minutes ago, tabasco said:
    6 minutes ago, funkyuk said:

    okiedoke,   9am has safely passed, i'm popping to the shops.  anyone want anything out?

    2 pink elephants pls. 

    Everyone, I was reading today (at work of course) the ancient tome of Secret Resales 2015 and it appears that the sales were not on the hour in 2014.  Was it on the hour in 2015 and that's why we're holding fort at the 0'clock?

  2. 7 minutes ago, Woz101 said:

    Also a Warren?
    I've barely met any, but I think it's more common in Oz...I regularly curse my parents for it! Its too round and lacks plosives!

    No I'm not a Warren - it's a mix of my surname and where I'm from.  But now I feel guilty for taking the 06 spot from another Warren,  but you're right there's a good few Warrens in these here parts. 

  3. Good evening from Melbourne (hello fellow Woz-er BTW)

    Had a glass of red and strangely feel optimistic but realistically know I've got Buckley's from Oz.

    Good luck all and enjoy the day. 

  4. For me the discussion should focus on NOT to camp.

    Apart from the obvious of not near any loos (apart from flushing ones on top of Big Ground - actually that would be a good spot)), not near a major path, the other factor is avoid a slope.

    Man we tried Top Webbs Ash and the slope drove me nuts. Plus would you believe (and don't laugh) the grass was thick and big and made things even more pear-shaped.

    Park Home on the other hand had lovely finer grass, nice and flat. And this is coming from someone who only spends ZZZ time at the campsite with rest of time elsewhere.

    Oh yes and the other factor is how far you're able or willing to carry gear to a campsite from the your car park/bus stop. If it's really humid & hot you might be tempted to take the first campsite you find as you enter the gates.


  5. Back again as I realised I was a bit incoherent having posted the previous replies whilst in the middle of watching a fav TV program + other domestic disturbances going on. All quiet at the mo, so can reply more clearly (I hope).

    Ticket collection: It's not that far from the main gate (where the buses come in) - Gate A (PGA) NW corner. Prior to 2009 Internationals (i.e. non-UKers) did not have a choice other than picking up at the gate. 2008 turned out to be a mega disaster with people queueing most of the day and Mr Eavis himself having to come and sort it out. Hence 2009 on internationals were finally given a choice to have the tickets mailed out. Last year, given the posts on the forum, the tickets appear to have all been sent by 2-3 weeks before the Festival. However, if you are travelling to UK well before this may be a bit tight. Relax as there is no longer any queues at the box office. In fact, I looked for the ticket office last year to see if there was a queue and could hardly find it due to lack of anyone in its vicinity. I take it you'll be driving, so you will have to enter Yellow /road zone (near PGA). Parking nazis will instruct you to park and one to stay in the car (if they're being super Nazi) while the other goes to the ticket office. You can then drive onto where a car park is available and so on. If you're getting the bus the ticket office is near the bus station as I've said previously.

    Camping gear etc.: LL has advised buying in UK. I bought some things there and bought some from home to save precious holiday time (instead of running around shopping in UK) and it was personal taste on the tent styles as to why I bought in Oz beforehand etc. Yes as she says Wellies are very cheap there (GBP10ish) and are about that price at the Fest.

    Boots - my runners were inspected when returning from NZ once and I hadn't noticed a bit of goo on them. They took them off me and cleaned them and then wanted to look at everything else in the packs. It was a delay and I just hate that.

    Last year we returned empty of camping gear and boots. We in all honesty had ticked the Yes we've been to a farm box and they asked to see the boots - we said - they've been thrown away. We walked straight out after that.

  6. Sorry forgot to comment about the tickets.

    Seetickets have absolutely no concept of the fact that some people are travelling around the world to get to the festival and would therefore most probably not be arriving the day before i.e. would sensibly be travelling to the UK at least a week before or even more. This I found last year I rang them and it was like oh yes we'll get around to you maybe next week. Great - just love that stress. Thankfully the tickets did arrive in good time.

    Now that all internationals don't have to pick up tickets at the gate I'd go for pickup at the gate if you're travelling more than a week ahead of the fest.

    have a wonderful time.

  7. Hi there.

    What our strategy has been was to only take cheap/2nd hand gear that we threw/gave away before returning to Oz . Why?

    1) to avoid long searches and delays when you return while you're in a major jetlagged state and just want to get home and get to bed and

    2) after Glasto you'd need to stay/go to a place with a large laundry/washing area coz the mud on the boots alone is majorly difficult to get off. You just want to have a relaxing holiday and not stress out about trying to clean, hang out and dry tents etc. in a what is probably a small dorm or hotel room - FORGET IT BABY not for us.

    We bought approx. $60 tents over the internet (oo.com.au or crazysales.com.au). We camped before and sometimes after the fest and more than got $60 value out of the tent. Donated it on.

    Boots - went to Savers and got $20 boots well ahead of time - cleaned, aired and deodorised them for use (PS I'm not a wellie type, you just need whether the weather is dry or wet is bloody good soles on whatever you're wearing).

    Took old sheets, towels and rags that we threw away afterwards AND

    Bought super cheap duvet/doona+pillow set (GBP12ish) and airbed from Argos when we arrived. You could buy sleeping bags cheap but I prefer sheets. Mind you last year was so hot and humid the duvet was unnecessary most nights. Previous year - very cold some nights had everything on + duvet.

    Hope this helps. Have a wonderful time. We're having a layby year. Be back in '10. Instead we're going to Golden Plains this weekend - No Dickhead policy, one stage, camp next to your car, take your own alcohol - be quite a different experience.

  8. Wow - really great to find others who felt the same as he was the best!!. Awesome standout performance. And yes he smiled, really was enjoying the big tease during Free World and 'talked' more than he usually does.

    Shame all the Springsteen hype (which I went to sleep during actually - HA!) overshadowed and the ensuing Glasto coverage seemed to forget all about him.

    Twats at Beeb couldn't even include NY in their Best Bits show. ***!!!! At the very least they could have finished with a snippet of Rockin in the Free World.

    Also endorse others who noted that the sound was good for him too. Wasn't for Nick Cave or Blur (Damon's voice was struggling to find pitch as it was) that's for sure.

  9. Yeh we're coming over again (weeeee!!!) more or less just for the glasto but we do something else special while we're there as well. My workmates think we're stoopid for only going over for 2 weeks-ish but hey life's too short and they're boring aaas anyhowz. Ticket sales willing we will definitely be there next year for the 40th too.

    It's good to get away from the Melbourne dark and cold time and go to 16 hour daylight days - bliss. [i said this to a local at the fest last year and he laughed - but then he watches Neighbours and Home & Away (I never have myself) so no doubt thinks there's nothing but blue skies here all the time.]

    Anyone else feeling oh so every so slightly fretful that the tickets may not arrive in time (my name starts with W too ...always last)? Last year it was stand in the queue for 3 hours (longer for others). Parking Nazi made one of us stay in the car while the other stood in the queue. She was so officious that I didn't dare get out to go for a p*** just crossed my legs for 3 hours - which was kind of silly I spose. Not sure which one I prefer - stand in long queue/cross legs in car OR stress over if the tickets will arrive in time......

    Advice to new Aussies - basically don't be a 'look at me I'm an Aussie, I drink beer and talk loud' Dick. Enjoy, relax and love the farm.

  10. We HAVE to leave the return from the Festival on the Saturday or Sunday. :)

    Leaving in the morning and returning early evening. Which day would be best from a traffic viewpoint?

    Sunday has all the locals coming. Which carpark in particular do they stream them into - all or one in particular?

    However, we'd be against the traffic on both days wouldn't we and be OK???

  11. suggest we speculate more in view what emily eavis said in december:

    "But we're really lucky this year because there will be some total one-off exciting performances which aren't part of a massive tour and which you're not going to see at every festival. That's really exciting for us. "

    any ideas? i can only think of possible rare combos eg neil young with crosby stills nash??

    or one night onlys - Pink Floyd???

  12. To be honest I'd only 'seen' him on the 'Heart of Gold' film (which was fantastic though) before. The music on that was very mellow so I was BLOWN AWAY when I saw him in melbourne last week - he really rocked.

    I'll be SO disappointed if he doesn't play Glasto.

  13. This forum is godsent! How else would you know that Seetickets are HOPELESS.

    It's particularly bad for non-UK residents to get tickets. They can't seem to cope with the concept.

    The paying the full amount online DOES NOT WORK for overseas. I tried over and over and over (different combos etc) and no go (the system CAN'T (and couldn't last year as well) cope with a non-UK postcode (but that's a whole other story). Thank goodness I read this forum - everyone is having all sorts of problems with the online site.

    So I rang the International phone line - note the Glasto Festival FAQ says:

    "If you are permanently living abroad, you can only buy tickets online, or by telephoning the International Ticket Sales Line 0044 1159 934 183. No UK sales will be accepted on this line."

    So I rings and go through the whole series of Q&As (mind you the girl couldn't give me ANY information about the insurance - it's on the internet she says - yeh I've just spent 'how much?' on this international phone call so far and now I'll waste that and ring off go online and read up on it. I did look for the infor this AM and COULD NOT find anything about the insurance on their website - I know it's there somewhere but it's well hidden but again another story another day) and then I give my credit card number and she says oooh it's not a debit card and I says but I'm 'international' and can pay with a credit card and she says 'ooh I'll have to put you onto my supervisor' - hang on I thought NO UK sales would be accepted on that number???

    I did get to finalise the payment with the supervisor. But the confirmation number he gave me doesn't work on tracker (again thanks to this forum I know there's usually a problem with external and internal confirmation numbers or something like that ho hum).

    Now though I'll be stressed till the tickets arrive in the mail. It's nice we 'internationals' don't have to queue for HOURS (mainly because they haven't sorted the tickets in alphabetical order and each person that goes to collect they had to look through the whole lot to find them - how STOOOPID is that) to collect our tickets at the gate now but will they take into account the fact that us 'internationals' will be leaving our country of residence maybe weeks before the festival.

    Thanks again for bearing with me on this but I know that there'll be others that will benefit from my experience as I have from others.


  14. I saw Neil Young on Wednesday here in Melbourne. It was 40 degrees ©+ yet he ROCKED HARD with great enthusiasm for two hours.

    I doubt if you could see such exciting and individual guitar playing anywhere else. The encore of the Day in the Life was mindblowing but ALL the songs were great.

    If you don't believe me read the review - this pretty much should dispel all criticisms.

    Can't wait to see him at glasto...

  15. I've gone to glasto from Oz. Biggest thing to remember with gear is that on return to Oz, Australian Customs is uber strict on anyone that's been to a farm and want to inspect and clean boots, tents, everything....... Bit of a problem with glasto as mud is bound to hit your gear somewhere, some time.

    SOLUTION - take over second hand and/or on the way out and/or cheap gear that you throw or give away before returning. (Sorry Mr Eavis but that's the reality for us Aussies.) Anything we needed when we got there we got from Argos and Tesco before we got to glasto but as everyone else is saying here there's plenty of stalls on site to buy from. Wellies are sold by numerous stalls all over the site. You can buy there and they were only a pound more than buying them offsite. So don't buy them till you have to.

    TRAVEL LIGHT (yes I'm shouting) - as the others are saying. Best advice I adhered to was - that you really truly only need two outfits - one for inside your tent and one for outside (which consists of layers). You have to do long walks over very rough (if it's dry) or very muddy ground to get to your desired campsite. AND/OR put all your spare gear in the nearest property lockup near the entrance during the festival.

    Expect to buy your food and drink onsite. Yes it's not cheap but on the other hand you can eat really well and have some beautiful food. Save money before you go or at other times during your trip to compensate the expense.

    Have a wonderful time - it truly is worth going all that way.

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