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Posts posted by just/john

  1. How can you not love Big Country? He wins a fight on TUF (think it was the Kimbo one) and then looks over at Dana and asks for some Cheeseburgers!

    yea man he has a bit of banter but his fights, or at least the ones i have seen, have been boring as hell to watch.

    Apart from the struve ko (crackin punch) all ive seen is crucifix, an i dont care who u are once that belly is on u its tough to get off! It just bores me, if he puts on a good show an wins tonight fair play to him il give him his due, but i cant see it!

  2. Just when Big Country couldn't get any more white trash...


    A MULLET! :lol:

    I f**kin hate him, fair play hes impressive for the shape he his, but he's never properly been tested in the ufc, dos santos has a good mma record and an even better kickboxing one, im confident nelsons gona have his arse handed to him!

    I hope so coz i think the winner of this gets a title shot, an it would b f**kin sick if that was that blob being presented as top contender!

    Lookin forward to this cause i love any event clay guida is in, win or lose that guys got heart the size of a dustbin lid!

  3. If you honestly think you didn't do anything wrong, you are going to have to think about the way you treated her. Even if its for future dates to be.

    For example, just think about EVERYTHING you did, good and bad. Then think of the way you did them. Then think from a female point of view. For example you say you were with 2 work mates. Were they both male? Did she feel comfortable with them or did she feel intimidated?

    Did at any point you say something that you thought was harmless, but made her feel vunerable?

    If you can think about the way you treated her and anything that may have made up her decision not to want to see you again, then at least you'll have something to work on the next time you go on a date. That way hopefully the same thing won't happen.

  4. Anyone else downloaded the UFC 2010 demo?

    I think its pretty good as far as demos go an cant wait for the game to come out.

    Its seems to have changed a fair bit, with the fighting syles, being able to switch stances etc but the real best bit is when you get the full mount its not game over as its a very different mount and defending it is easier! Will make online matches a lot more interesting than:


    Its also good you can actually work the cage now therfore a lot of takedowns end up with a slam into the cage!

    It may just be a game for the fans tho but I cant wait!

  5. You know whats sucks a wee bit?

    You dont come on efests for a wee bit then spend a good 7/8 pages catching up on a thread you were on last time, only to find it was 7/8 pages of your life wasted!

    This just happend


    EDIT: probs coz of posts like this, my bad sozzers!

  6. As you've raised that, I'll use the opportunity to say that not one of the people involved in that incident felt I'd done them enough of a favour by stopping them being dragged thru the courts (which, I assure you, would have definitely happened) to send me even £1 as a way to express their thanks.

    Quite why some people think I should bend over backwards for them AND take all this shite for such lack of thanks only gets to show what a bunch of low-lifes some of them are.

  7. Ban the idiot(s) he thinks ur a cock, take down the board everyone else thinks your a cock!

    Sometimes its a no win situation, but I cant see how u couldnt leave the board an ban the unsavoury types :P

    sure they'l come back with a new username,but then you ban their ip's! Should they go to the hassle of getting by this aswel, well then those idots just really want their voices heard and there is very little you can do to stop it, they will just ruin another board anyway so taking down the titp has little effect!

    Unless everyone on the titp board is a cock :P then yeah, just get rid, suerly thats not the case!

    Keep your friends close.......and the idiots tucked away where u can see them....the titp forum!

  8. Any1 wana get a mw2 efest clan on the go? I mainly do s & d's or tdms an woud make it more fun to be in a team wi the same folk instead o randoms all the time!

    anyway i know a few of u have me as a friend, justjohnrocks is my id (ps3) so if anyones up for it add me!

    clan can be (EFST) easy!

  9. I've just never heard the fan kick in on the ps3 like that, do you ever hear the fan on your ps3?

    But yeah the volume might not be as load as it was due to the baby having his afternoon nap :unsure:

    Haven't got to that bit yet, but i'm going to be playing it all night tonight so i might get there later on

  10. Another good show,

    Really surprised wes sims lost, had a feeling he'd go far in this! I think he just totaly underestimated him an made a silly mistake!

    Love the argument between rampage an rashad at the end 2, made me lol!

    Looks like kimbos gettin his shot now, looks like the guy that jizzed in the shower got injured!

    Kimbo better step up this time tho!


  11. This was the best show ever.

    I dont know how you can say Rampage at the end talking about the moon sitting on you was anywhere close to as fantastic as the row that Rampage, Rashad and Mcsweeney had. "guess what? Do I give a f**k?" Rampage is so the man. I could watch that a hundred times and never get bored of it.

    And KIMBO is back next week! Yay!

    Good for ratings but somewhat undeserved i think!

  12. welll.....

    shit fight! really really shit! wast even particularly good ground game, just bad ground from kimbo but i dont suppose many folk could get a belly like that off them!

    Looks like hes gettin another shot anyway next week, could see that a mile off, hopefully does better this time! needs keep it standin to have any shot tho!

    Best bit on the show, marcus 's "likes" = dungeons and dragons, comics and gardening, what a geezer :rolleyes:

  13. That big lad should have won last nite, his shity cardio let him down!

    I think kimbos match up is ideal for him as your man "big Country" (knobead) is overweight as f**k which will be good for kimbos somewhat suspect cardio (tho i hear its improving)!

    Want kimbo to do well but i cant see him winning it unless his ground game an fitness improve! Look forward to any fight he gets a stand up brawl in tho!!

  14. I've just spoken to matey who wrote on the phone. He near enough admitted that it's a story written for it's sensationalist angle and what that's worth to him, and that irony on the internet passes him by completely. Sad f**ker. :lol:

    Yeah it was pretty pathetic to be fair!!

    did he verify that efestivals was mentioned at one point? Just out of my own curiosity id like to know im not goin mental an i didnt make words up!!

  15. they 100% mentioned efestivals earlier as we were talkin in the t forum about it an i remember checkin the rockness page after to see the quotes, tho today they seem to have dissapeared!

    May not have been direct quotes from here to be fair but efestivals was definatly mentiond on that site about people sharing tips how to get in etc tho efestivals is no longer named on it now im certain it was on fri!

  16. gettin f**ked off!

    Ufc online, just bet a guy wi a 20 win streak but the fight was "invalid due to connection" ive noticed this a lot when i beat guys on good streaks, its always just as u submit or ko them aswel, i can only assume they are disconnecting as soon as they get beat!

    Somethin shoiuld be done, its made me put another crack in my wall!


    edit: a f**kin gen!

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