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Posts posted by Runner

  1. Bimble around, as most of your best memories will be of bands or situations you just stumble upon. Just try not to plan too much (although this is all you will do before you get there!).

    Make something (I still use a wooden spatula made a couple of years ago).

    Try and see the sunrise at least once from the Stones, unless you become completely nocturnal and this is all you do every night ;)

  2. I'm at work, and had 30 minutes to get my ticket, as start at 9.30.

    Had nothing for 25 minutes, then the re-fresh screen for last five. Just kept hitting re-fresh like an idiot for 4 minutes (with one tab open) until I got through. Was literally a minute before I had to give up.

    Going on my own again so may try and camp at the efest 'thing' this time x

    Peace x

  3. After being unsuccessful last year I am now back on the Glastonbury Bus!


    Well done to all lucky folk, and commiserations to those unlucky enough to not get through. I feel your pain as this was me last year x

    Peace x

  4. Not packed. Will get in from work tomorrow around 6pm, put on some very loud vinyl (yes kids, that plastic stuff that resembles a squashed frisbee) and get to it!

    I'm quite pleased I haven't yet, and to be honest the only thing that is concerning me, out of all things, is the removal of lasts years car park sticker. I've heard some horror stories of how hard it is to get off, so what is supposed to be a 'quick job' may end up being the bane of my bloody evening! :O

    Peace x

  5. Need some advice ...

    I don't like Magners or Bulmers. I do like Strongbow and Scrumpy Jack. What would be the best cider to buy on site? I randomly bought a pint of 'something' :unsure: from cider bus once, and it was rank! Sorry to all Cider bus lovers, but we all have different tastes!

    I normally take my own (although last year did a booze free festival due to funds), but just can't be bothered! I don't drink that much, so figured I'd just buy when there rather than dipping into warm cans from my tent ... But I am taking some spirits.

    Ta and stuff x Peace x

  6. Depends. Every year we get there at around 7-8am and are usually in by 9am. Last night we got there on Tuesday night, started queuing at 6am and got in at 2pm. It was an utter disaster!

  7. Oh I'm not talking about getting organised to go, I'm the first to write a list & to make sure we have at least one of everything!

    It just seems there are so many Meets, fancy dressings, & hi-viz clipboards knocking around these days, that it all just seems like a whole heap of hard work! almost looks like becoming a victim of it's own success too.

    Me, I'll be pulling up a seat in a nice little Coffeeshop with Rabid & a few other defectors...... B)

    But like I say, have fun! :D

  8. Wellies are definitely more practical than walking boots. I always used to wear walking boots but when it is really muddy it is disgusting trying to untie the laces in the evening when they are absolutely caked in mud! Also if the mud and water are deep it just goes over the top and into your shoes. My walking boots got into such a state at Glastonbury in 2007 they were completely ruined. No matter how much I cleaned them they were never the same! After that I switched to wellies and have never looked back!

  9. I love all the lists with condoms on them. I took 12 last year, came home with 15!!! :unsure::lol: ... I really did

    I have so much to do. Have had zero sleep. Have got as far as digging stuff out of the camping cupboard, but still need to find tent.

    Two HUGE bags of 'stuff' are in my bedroom, which is all the new stuff I've bought, doesn't include clothes.

    Feel like shit, work tomorrow & Tuesday, very busy. Going into panic mode now so best go and walk dog and chill out .... :O:o:O

    Peace-ish x

  10. Sorry to hear that :(

    You've obviously made the right decision, what with planning other 'events', and not spending too much time on here posting and stuff :unsure::P

    Hey, nothing wrong with getting organised. I'm sure you can understand than if a m*ddy one is imminent you kind of have to be, else you're screwed.

    You'll be fine, as will we x

    See you there in 2013 x Much peace and love x

  11. It has to be said, your video clips have been a brilliant insight this year and we who are clawing for every bit of info we can get, every clue as to the condition of the site just can't get better than that. Many, many thanks from me and keep them coming if you can, they really are invaluable for knowing whether waterproofs or space blankets will be the order of the day :)

  12. It's a real ticket with watermarks, hallmarks and christ knows how many other marks!

    It'll be fine :)

    If they mentally stress over it they'll look like they're hiding something, and will be 'pulled' and strip searched :ph34r: ... just chill x :lol:

    Peace x

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