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Posts posted by alicats

  1. Why a big mistake?

    I live in Madrid and getting to Benicassim is a piece of piss...there is a coach that takes you door to door for about 40€ return, what more do you need?

    Takes about 5 hours, but there is a 30 min stop at a 1/2 way point where you can buy food etc. They are nice modern coaches and always full of other festie goers..so good fun!!

    Book here if anyone is interested http://www.avanzabus.com/web/?lang=en

  2. 1. Defintely worth going for the whole time, you'll be shattered by the end but you'll have so much fun. Last year the campsites were full within about 2 1/2 days I seem to remember? We got there on the Monday night and it was CampFIB for us as the other site was full. First 5 days is meeting many people, drinking, going to the beach, wandering around town, the waterpark, there's a fair amount to do. :rolleyes:

    2. Food is cheap, although I suppose how much you spend depends on your appetite! I lived on large amounts of bread and cheese, I seem to remember that baguettes from the supermarkets were ridiculously cheap. I often found it too hot to eat much. The campsite/festival sold pizzas for 10 euros which we tended to share between 2 every couple of days. There was other food available from the festival arena (paella, I can't remember what else) but it obviously tends to be more expensive.

    Alcohol-wise, we tended to buy bottles of spirits between us and there were a few days of making our own sangria from cartons of cheap red wine at about 70cents a time. To be honest, I probably spent more money on cold water than anything else. Although you could get 2 litre bottles of water from the supermarket for cheap, they do of course warm up pretty quickly so I only really bought water when I wanted it which often meant paying inflated campsite prices. Of course, things will proably seem more expensive this summer due to the state of the euro/pound exchange.

    3. Can't help you there too much I'm afraid as we flew to Madrid last year (biggest mistake ever). I'll be going to Barcelona this year as well though. Make you sure you book train tickets in advance, they sell out. We found this out last year where me and a friend booked ours but the rest of our party didn't, resulted in them all getting a later train from Madrid - Valencia because there were no seats left on ours and then having to buy first class tickets for the return journey.

  3. Yusss, can't wait for Blissfields 2009. How is stewarding working this year? Was confirmed to help out last year (poor student, need to pay my way for my ticket!!), I see there's an email contact on the Blissfields site, do I just need to email that and register my interest or is there going to be an application form like last year?

    Excited already, 2007 was excellent.

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