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Posts posted by Completewasters

  1. Without wanting to generalise too much Security will often do only what they are told - so if they are not specifically told to challenge people with glass they wont - dispite the common sense reason to do so - broken glass can be very dangerous whether broken accidently or in rage (appreciate the later is unlikely at EotR). It also means another waste stream to deal with.

    On a side note I was thinking about next year organising a flash mob litter pick of the Garden Stage at some point perhaps after the second to last act on the Saturday night (so the 2014 equivalent of after Daughter and before Ed Harcourt). Would any eFestival forumites be up for it? I appreciate it might depend on whether there is a personal must see band elsewhere. The Garden Stage is such an amazing space, imagine how great it would look if it was litter free as people came into it in readiness for the headliner. would take 10 or 15 people 10 or 15 minutes probably (obviously less time the more people) - i know this kind of thing can be very satisfying.

  2. A really enjoyable second time at End of the Road doing our Groovy Records workshop. Kept very busy by that so didnt see as much music and comedy as I would have hoped. Musical highlight would have to be Pokey Lafarge and the South City Three - seemed like a massive crowd for their afternoon slot (but wasnt in a position to compare it to any of the other afternoon slots). They managed to combine a real sincerity in what they are doing with humour, charm and a light hearted touch. I enjoyed Belle & Sebastian but can understand it might have been underwhelming for some, and a one song encore left me feeling a bit short changed.

    The comedy stage is a great setting, accessibility issues aside, missed some great acts but enjoyed the half hour I spent there very much. The Garden Stage is also an amazing place. Woods is lacking a bit in atmosphere - perhaps some traders alongside the edge (similar to Summer Sundae if anyone's familar with that festival) or even a facade of some kind to distract from the emptiness over the campsite.

    Agree about the glass on site - it seems odd to me that people would take on the extra weight of a load of glass bottles. Part of the problem is that people arent challenged for having glass which reinforces their view that they're not doing anything wrong. it would of course go against the light touch security ideal of EotR for there to be searches and confiscations but perhaps stewards could be encouraged to have a 'quiet word' here and there.

    The workshop went really well in the gorgeous 'Wonderlands' and we were very busy all weekend with kids and adults of all ages taking part with some really great results. We'll be posting some pictures on our new facebook page in the next couple of days (there are some from Greenman on there at the moment). If you took part we'd love to have you like the page https://www.facebook.com/GroovyRecordsWorkshop - why not take a picture of you with your record on post it!.

    Disappointments - that staff camping was left messier than the main campsite (which was pretty good really).

    Fingers crossed for a No Direction Home & End of the Road double bill in 2014.

  3. Thanks for the kind comments, much appreciated. Crowd (and caterers and traders) were all very good in using the facilities provided and helping us maintain a litter free site, I wish all events could be like this!

    If you want to know what we're up to the rest of the summer and might be tempted to get involved http://completewastersevents.wufoo.com/forms/complete-wasters-events-application/

    Summer Sundae


  4. Now back, and pretty much recovered from a great weekend at No Direction Home. I wont lie it was a tough start with the bad weather, a few volunteer drop outs (perhaps not entirely unrelated) and getting to grips with a new site, but with the incredible volunteers, supportive site crew and a crowd that understood what bins are for (not always as given), we were soon up and running with great results.

    As we were short on volunteers, the volunteers we did have worked incredibly hard, many doing extra hours and offering to do even more if required to help us out. They were rewarded with some of the finest crew catering ever encountered.

    Our Groovy Record Workshop went really well as well, and hopefully will be in attendance at End of the Road.

  5. No Direction Home, like a complete unknown like a Complete Waster.

    Just back from a lovely couple of days playing around with bins, as the site starts to build, cant wait to get back there next week.

    Thought I would take the chance to let you know what Complete Wasters will be up to at the festival and what'll be available for your rubbish and recycling needs.

    On the main site we will have plenty of Recycling Points, these will include a blue bin for plastic bottles, and yellow bin for cans and (I'm afraid a little confusingly) green bins for general waste (this material will go to a waste to energy process rather than landfill). Plastic cups will be made from recycled plastic and we're looking for your help collecting them, so they can be recycled again, by stacking them on the designated posts.

    Although we are diverting waste from landfill we still want and need to recycle as much as possible so hope you can help us with our endeavours.

    On the campsite there will be a few of these recycling points for those that want to sort their recycling as they go or there will be places to leave green bags of recycling and large bits of clean cardboard (although take a minute to think whether you need to bring any cardboard packaging with you if you've just bought new equipment). Remember there is no glass allowed on site.

    Smokers, please dispose of the cigarette butts responsibly. there will be Butt Bins by the entrancies to tented areas and there will be tubs available to act as portable ashtrays.

    Look out for our litter pickers and be sure to give them a smile. Also look out for our Groovy Record Workshop making decorated mirrors and picture frames from old vinyl records, great fun for all ages.

    (sorry for epic post!)

  6. The post was some time ago but I do not know how you cannot accept the statement. A judge ruled it was wrong for an organisation to keep my deposit due to not attending the event to work (I had given a weeks notice). I had no problem with an admin fee been taken but this was taking the piss. He also stated that the work was not voluntary as I received entry as payment in kind (which I declare anyway on my tax return). As I was given no ticket if said there where no grounds to keep the deposit. The organisation tried to argue along the lines of if I had bought A ticket I would not get a refund or if it was a holiday I would lose the cash, as well as the cost of replacing me. All that was thrown out. He did say that if someone takes a job and then changes their mind they are not libel to cover the costs of recruitment. In their defence they did say they would refund if I had good reason such as illness or a death in the family, but that backfired on then. There was the issue as to who got the cash as well as it was a stewarding company and the judge could not understand how they got to keep the cash without passing it on.

  7. I would expect the deposit to be refunded as there is ample notice of non attendance. I posted some time ago that I was successful in a County Court claim against an organisation that did not refund my deposit when I could not attend at short notice. Even though it was in the terms and conditions the judge ruled in my favour as I did not receive entry and also it costs an organisation nothing to replace a volunteer.

  8. Not 'sinister', no - just morally wrong IMO.

    It's not a purchase this person has made, they've taken up an offer of employment. Refunds on misplaced purchases are not the norm, but withdrawing from an offer of employment and being financially penalised for doing so is very much against the norm.

    There's laws that prohibit having to pay agencies up-front for employment, and while this scenario might fall outside the specifics of those laws (because it's something a little different to the more normal employment) I'd say that the general principle should still apply (I'd have no problem with a small deduction for admin costs).

    I realise that it's an inconvenience for the employer that they've lost one of their recruits, but that's life - being an employer is all about taking on risks. There should be no risk for the person who might take up that employment.

    (I'm not arguing against the idea of a deposit against the ticket cost for those who will be working BTW, just to make that clear.)

  9. Surely the deposit was a deposit against you being given a ticket but then not doing the work that was linked to that ticket?

    If they've not yet sent you the ticket then they should refund you the deposit you've paid. To do anything else would be them abusing their position.

  10. I'm not sure how I would feel about that if I had bought NDH tickets, which I havent. I would quite like a day ticket though if I wasn't busy, and have some friends from Sheffield who will probably go just to see HRH.

    As for the day tickets being for "his people" that made me smile. Expect coach loads of rampant Hawley fans to be camped down the front of the main stage :)

  11. Without wanting to overstep my bounds, my understanding is that the capacity is bigger, although not radically, than that and it'd already be a sell out by now if it was. There's a 'kids ticket nearly sold out' warning posted in the forum, perhaps too much is being read into the availability of the day only ticket on Richard Hawley's site (perhaps responding to a specific request from his 'people'?)

    BTW hello everyone, glad to be involved with this festival, and see you all in June.

    Recycling Crew Volunteers - http://nodirectionhomefestival.com/information/recycling-crew-application/

  12. Complete Wasters are pleased to announced we will be doing the Litter Picking and Recycling at No Direction Home in June.

    We've been lucky enough to have sneaked a peak at the beautiful site, and are very much looking forward to it.

    I'm sure many have already bought their tickets, but we can offer entry to festival in exchange for a few hours of work each day. So for anyone looking to save some dosh or if you're keen to help the festival minimise its environmental impact - this could be for you. For those with tickets perhaps you know someone that would like to have come and this opportunity could tip the balance for them.

    For more details and how to apply visit this link (currently exclusively available to eFestival forumites) http://completewaste...w-volunteering/

  13. Interesting to see FOM Fest mentioned. To my knowledge it lost a lot of money, hasn't paid some suppliers and is banking on an insurance payout (lost stages) to give it any chance of breaking even. I'd guess there wont be a Bring You Own festival next year.

    On drink, why have a strict no glass rule and then a) make nominal effort to enforce it B) sell glass bottles of Cider from the bar in the Last FM tent.

  14. in the leave no trace threads i have recommended summer sundae in leicester.

    other than the comments i have made in those threads the festival has a similar eclectic line up (referred to as grandson of glastonbury by lammo when 6music used to cover it), stages close together, one of which is indoors (proper loos), excellent transport links, nearby hotels/shops - camp in 'regents' and not general camping though.

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