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Alexx (:

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Posts posted by Alexx (:

  1. Here in Derby we have snow. And ice.

    Pros - it's pretty, the dog likes it and I think it's a snow day tomorrow.

    Cons - I have a bruised arse, grazed thigh and possible broken rib from walking about 8 miles in it.

    But still, I love snow. I plan to upload a pic of my snowman soon, yay :P

  2. I didn't exactly go to the best school (pupils threw chairs at teachers and made them cry, PE involved skiving and chain smoking, and everyone knew the headteacher was sleeping with his pupils), no one was really strict about our uniform (wearing a tie as a belt/in your hair was acceptable, skirts could be as short as you want, black trainers rather than shoes etc) and I definately had and saw some 'extreme hairstyles' (I once had every colour of the rainbow in my hair, good times!) and I still managed to leave with 13 GCSE's (all C or above) and a Diploma.

    Didn't seem to affect me.

  3. I personally don't give a shit about being 'politically correct' so don't start that one.

    Some 'chav' stood behind me during Snow Patrol thought it'd be a good idea to wear studded football boots, and kick me in the back of the calf/knee. (I still had the marks/bruises on Monday morning..) Then was planning to throw his mates piss on me, went something along the lines of "yeah mate, just do it, it'll be a right laugh".

    I kicked him in the crotch, and felt better after that. I personally would have classed him as a chav, and even if he wasn't, he was still a right tosser.

  4. Firstly, you need to learn how to use grammar correctly. Secondly, have some f**king respect - even if you did "shag 3 birds" I bet they're regretting it, and didn't want it posted on the internet. And thirdly, grow up, and stop being so bloody immature.

    You've pretty much indicated you have to pay £150+ to actually get laid, and get in a fight. So I'm agreeing with redmad, you sound like a twat.

  5. Over crowding is definatley an issue. I've got asthma, and during in Indie Disco (Staffs) I got reallllly crushed and couldn't breathe, and it took me about 15 minutes to get out of the tent, luckily it wasn't that bad, but if it was a full blown attack..

  6. Elbow were bloody awesome, wish they played the same set as Chelms though, they got more songs 'cos of Oasis.

    Them, Snow Patrol, Killers, Keane and Specials for me were my highlights.

    Although how Razorshite deserve to be higher than soo many excellent bands is beyond me..

  7. KOL looks quite likely, and they would be pretty ace.

    Don't know how Coldplay will go down with the crowds though.. REM would make me cry, everybody hurts has some serious memories, don't know whether I'd love or hate that?!

  8. A friend of mine has.. 'acquired' several cases of Rockstar from work.

    They're 500ml cans, with 32mg of caffiene per 100ml.

    How many cans can one person drink without having any side effects? ;)

    And does anyone know whether vodka+rockstar tastes like vodka+redbull?

    Tar v.much ;)

  9. Hey, welcome to eFests!

    - Alcohol is allowed in the campsites, but glass isn't. This applies to jars or food and stuff too, no glass.

    - To get alcohol in the Arena you have to sneak it in, and there's a thread about that somewhere suggesting lots of different methods.

    - Some of the posts may just be refering to U18's with alcohol, but generally speaking if you don't look about 12, or act like a tw*t - no one will question you carrying alcohol into the campsites.


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