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Posts posted by hellywellywoowoo

  1. hey everyone

    just wanted to share some awesome news. this weekend my boyfreind and i went down to worthy farm to have a mooch around for my birthday!

    when we got to centre stage of the pyramid my man proposed and of course i accepted!!! woooo!

    it was so amazing being on the site when the fest is not on, felt like alice in wonderland....!!!

    cant wait fo 2011!!! x :lol:

  2. Hello everyone.

    i was one of the camera losing numpties. i emailed glasto today to see how hopeful i should be. they said they have not even started going through the cameras yet!! but should start by end of the month. So until then you can stay hopeful!

    I lost a pink samsung digital camera in the park on sat night whilst watching Biffy Clyro. of you know anything or have the camera thinking what a great find....i just want the pics they were really precious to me. (although the actual camera would be brill too!)

    i found a camera last year and sent it back and it got to the right person. so im staying hopeful.

    thanks everyone :)

  3. I lost my Canon PowerShot camera on the 1st night - so annoyed with myself it's the 4th one i've lost this year, had some really cute picci's of my kids on there :( Am not expecting to see it again tho....

  4. On our way out yesterday, walking to the car with all our stuff, we found an amazing trolley that had been left in the carpark. It's pretty much brand new with chunky tyres and is now sitting in my spare room. My guess is that someone took it to the festival all new and flatpacked and couldn't fit it in their car with the wheels on and everything to take home. Sweet.

  5. sadly thats not my camera but i hope someone recognises your post and gets their camera back.

    like i said im not paticuarly bothered about the actual camera although that would be nice! i just want the photos. i took some gorgeous ones of the sunny days and balmy nights. Was such a special glasto this year.

    im a great believer in the good natured spirit of the glasto people and also in karma.

    thanks everyone peace and love x x

  6. what an amazing glasto is was! however i have nothing but my memories now. so please help and pass on to your friends.

    i lost my pink samsung camera in the park while watching Biffy Clyro on Saturday.

    it had hundreds of pics on, not only of glasto but of my new puppy too. (it doesnt get sadder than that!!!)

    i have been to lost property and registered, so now i wait......i dont care about the camera although that would be nice i just want the memory card back.

    im hoping karma is on my side as i sent a camera back last year that i found.

    thank you in anticipation x

  7. what an amazing glasto is was! however i have nothing but my memories now. so please help and pass on to your friends.

    i lost my pink samsung camera in the park while watching Biffy Clyro on Saturday.

    it had hundreds of pics on, not only of glasto but of my new puppy too. (it doesnt get sadder than that!!!)

    i have been to lost property and registered, so now i wait......i dont care about the camera although that would be nice i just want the memory card back.

    im hoping karma is on my side as i sent a camera back last year that i found.

    thank you in anticipation x

  8. i have woken up with a coldsore of epic proportions,hayfever is going wild, feel light headed and sick. generally feel rubbish

    im hoping its a side effect of extreme excitement nothing that a little (or a lot )of fermened apples cant cure!

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