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pink sarah

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Posts posted by pink sarah

  1. Bad news from Cigarrones....

    The council came in with diggers last week under the premise off ´planting trees´ and have dug up the entire site. it is now basically a muddy moonscape. The holes are about 3 feet apart, 4 to 6 feet wide and 3 or four feet deep. There is nowhere to park a van, let alone put a marquee. They have dug all the way back to the end of the valley. Everywhere you could possible park a vehicle. The access to the site is now extremely limited - one vehicle wide, no passing spaces, and the only places not devastated are a couple of small bits of land which are privately owned (last years green fields)

    If people are going to go they are going to need shovels and boards to park their vehicles on because even if they fill the holes the vehicles will just sink into the ground.

    The organisers want the event to go ahead so if you come, please be prepared.

    Photos online at the partyvibe site and on the dragonfest page of Facebook.

    Anyone got any ideas what we can do to sort this out?


  2. I went to El Dragon for the first time last year and it was WICKED!!!!

    Very Mad Max, dry red dust and gangs of feral kids and dogs.

    Definately not your ´boutique festival´ but really good fun.

    Was set up by English hippies too so the language thing isn´t a big problem (tho its always good to try of course)

    Jus better hope it doesn´t rain cos it is held in a dry river bed....


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