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Posts posted by pattard

  1. Didn't want to stay going through all the posts so i am really sorry if someone has already answered this.

    Last year i didn't need to catch the FIB bus because a friend picked me up, don't think he will be able to this year and so i have been trying to book a place on the bus for the past week. I fill in everything and when i go to the last page it tells me that the thing is busy. Has this happened to anyone else?

    I will be flying up to Spain on the Monday and landing at 4AM so i guess i can just go and buy a ticket from there and be one of the first.

  2. Does anyone reckon there would be a chance of getting a space in Benicamp if im arriving on Tuesday night?

    Another question for people who've gone before:

    Is this a good idea?:

    Gettin a gazebo like http://www.argos.co.uk/wcsstore/argos/imag...67UC322129M.jpg

    getting some lilos and jus sleep in the gazebo? i BOILED in my tent even at reading fest so cant imagine what its gonna be like at beni.

    obviously will take a 3 person tent between 3 of us to put our shit in, and in case it does rain/get cold. seems like gettin a gazebo would be an awesome idea, get some shade, hav gazebo parties etc...

  3. Quick question, tried emailing FiberFib but no reply.

    Girlfriend's ticket says 01/01/1970 as date of purchase on the side of it, while mine says the actual date that i purchased it.

    Bought it from LastMinute.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Will it be a problem?

  4. I am not one to start bitching about too many threads but seriously search the forum and find you are bound to find something. But since i know the answers i will answer your questions:

    1: You could easily survive on 500 Euros which includes the festival ticket and plane ticket last year i spent about 700 Euros in total but it all depends on how comfortably you want to live as in food wise and buying things from the bar, how much you drink.....

    2: You can keep your valuables in your tent but if you don't want to risk it there is a room at the entrance of the campsite where you pay something like 3 Euros a day and keep all your things in there.

    3: I would fly to Valencia but i live in Malta so that is really the only option. But if you could find cheap flights then catch a plane but if you want some more fun on the days leading up to the festival then you could make a road trip out of it.

  5. ppl I've set up a group over on www tufs.co.uk

    I've called 'Beni beach party 09'. I believe we can pull together and get a beach party this year of our own! LAST DAY! The Last one was 05 i think - official one anyway ;)

    Join the group, and we can all hook up once over there on last day. :lol:

  6. So my tickets arrived this week. I was in charge of ordering 4 tickets and i was aware of this responsibilty at different times so i bought them all seperately. When i opened them it said the date that i had bought them on the right side. Then my girlfriend sent me her ticket and i realised that the date of purchase stated that she bought hers on the 1st of January 1970. Will this be a problem or will they not even realise/give a shit?

  7. I know you are comparing it to Malta...but the other person was asking us to compare it to the UK...hence me saying...IT´s HOT...cos in the uk it´s never HOT!! So, the point of my response was to compare Beni to the UK...so therefore...It´s HOT!!

    But in comparison to Malta or Greece or parts of Africa or Madrid or somewhere in the Indian Ocean, no..it´s not that hot.

  8. Sorry...i thought we were comparing to the UK...my mistake....everyone, it´s not that hot!!

    Not last year, but the year before think it only got in to the mid/high 30ºC´s but the year before was the hotest on record..which topped about 42ºC. (normal summer day in Madrid)

  9. i've heard that a big part of it are pretty much your standard "brits on tour" types, as in smash it, down it in one, beer lairyness rah rah rah it's not my country so i don't give a f**k types (not been, this is from a mate so second hand info). Kind of like the equivilant to v :)
  10. Go for the whole 9 days. The camping is one of the best bits. You get all hyped up for the comping days, you meet lots of great people and you just relax and enjoy yourself.

    Everything in Spain is really cheap. Bottle of Voday (1 litre Smirnoff) or Whiskey is 11 Euros. Food is just as cheap and you can just buy a packet of salami, cheese, some spread (like liver pate or olive) and sliced bread with your friends everyday and live off that. So don't worry too much about it.

    barca is mroe expensive than Valencia so if i were you i would try find a plane to Valencia, it is easier to get down to Beni from there and cheaper.

    Hope this helped. Need anything just PM

  11. Hey, so Beni is coming up close again. I will be coming up again this year but this time there will be a group of 50+ Maltese. If anyone was there last year do you remember the free Maltese hugs? Well they will be back again this year and they have improved so everyone get ready for them

  12. hey i am maltese too but that doesnt matter.. in the years i went 2006 and especially 2007, the brits were a disgrace. behaving just like brit tourists behave in every city you go to. utterly devoid of any class and style, barging everywhere, stupidly noisy.. you know, british tourists, red fat ugly and annoying shits.

    but, as i stress, the good 10 percent could be the best people in the world.. but the rest are a disgrace to humanity. silly and ugly race.

  13. before it was easier to get drugs than water yes..

    more brits than last year? thank christ i didnt come.. 90 percent of the brits at european festivals are nasty ugly and stupid pieces of shit.. 90 percent, i stress. 10 percent are absolutely wonderful people.

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