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Posts posted by glastonbury2008

  1. From the massive loses the charity made this year at their own festival I guess they'll take a year off. Here's their statement

    Listen up folks, hope this update finds you all well. We've been offline a short while but will soon be getting back into the stride of things.

    We would like to thank everyone who has supported us during the build up and organisation of the Strummer of Love festival. We want to thank all those who attended, all the bands who played and everyone who worked at the festival you all contributed to wh

    at was an amazing experience.

    And although it was a huge success creatively, socially and musically it has been a drain financially and we are now having to scale back on the charitable activities of Strummerville.

    We are at present taking some time to restructure and regroup but we are pleased to say we will still remain active and have some exciting projects coming up.

    We really do appreciate the support you have all shown us over the years and we look forward continuing our work.


    Thoughts? Sorry if already discussed

  2. I also had a real problem with this this year (thought it was just me being a "grumpy old woman"!).

    Went away from site yesterday thinking a lot of other things seem to be changing for the worse including the organisation and the way the paying guests are treated. Seriously thinking this will be my last Glasto having been a regular since 1989. Feel quite sad about it all really despite having seen some brilliant acts this weekend.

  3. We got to Pennards about 12 last year on the Wed and it was busy. Not rammed thou. We got 5 tents up no problem, about half way up, level with the toilet but on the other side.

    Im trying somewhere else this year though. Been to Pennard last 2 years and bored. It does my head in how its the "IT" place to camp.

  4. Hey, Just seen my coach ticket and am left wondering what time the 05.30am on Wednesday will get to the coach car park?

    Also it says that the return journey leaves glastonbury coach station at 07.30am on monday :/. If i 'Miss' this will see get me on another coach to london at a more reasonable time....

    Hope you can help


  5. Hey, Just seen my coach ticket and am left wondering what time the 05.30am on Wednesday will get to the coach car park?

    Also it says that the return journey leaves glastonbury coach station at 07.30am on monday :/. If i 'Miss' this will see get me on another coach to london at a more reasonable time....

    Hope you can help


  6. Are people really expecting there smart phones to last from wednesday morning to sunday. Mine bearly lasts a day. Carphone warehouse are doing a phone for a penny if you buy £10 credit. That'll do me for glastonbury x

  7. Hey, I have seen site called 'fly glastonbury' claiming to be selling hospitality passes for £390. Do you know if this is genuine? I'm not holding much hope for getting them on the 17th and didnt in october hence avioding the forum since. They also do trailers but i can't afford that.

    Can i buy a stand alone ticket from them and get in? Last year had a standard ticket and ended up working for a band that played securing a AAA. There management thought the only way of getting passes was through the offical people.


    Matt :ph34r:

  8. This was my 5th Glastonbury and i never wished to not have been there before in my life.

    Points that wrecked it:

    1. Posh/Cool Kids who moved my small pop up tent so they could erect a stupid marquee

    2. The "you gotta do it cause it's glastonbury" ethos about drugs that i felt so much this year from the new lot

    3. The feeling of being at reading (NEVER a good thing)

    4. The fires around campsites

    5. Being looked down on for walking around in an old shirt and jeans

    6. Tens of thousands too many people

    Ended up spending sunday night walking around telling people burning plastic to f**k off back to mummy and daddy at home in the country.

    I am considering writing a letter to glastonbury festival and 100s of issues that i found this year.

    Wrant over.. Sorry x

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