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Posts posted by reni

  1. We've had word from one of our more reliable (tho not infallible) sources that Bono is going to do a secret show somewhere at Glastonbury this year.

    Along with that nugget of info - which might be wrong don't forget - we've been given an idea of where it might happen, but that's something I'm not going to post as that would just about be a guaranteed way of ensuring that it didn't happen.

    If it happens and you're lucky enough to see it, enjoy. :)

  2. Jeeezz...£6.13 to upgrade to am/pm delivery slot.

    At least Dick Turpin had the manners to wear a mask!!!!

    No point of collection available around here how the heck is this supposed to be an improved delivery system.Photo ID on your ticket ID to receive your tickets.

    Come back the days when you could just gan to Millets and get one.I've had to take today off work and if the tix don't turn up,there'll be trouble....

    Huh,Bah,Feck,Knickers,etc etc

  3. Quite frankly,"the Stones to play Glastonbury" bit is getting tedious and it seems to be an annual event.

    If they can't be arsed to play the biggest festival in the world and embrace the spirit of the event then they can sod off back the the old folk's home.

    Probably a good thing anyway if they ain't playing as it most likely would have been a total anticlimax,It's about time they disappeared gracefully!!!

    Coldplay described as "the rockers" hAh!!!

  4. I don't sense any real feel for action just yet in this country.Even the unions are stopping short of industrial action and talking of mass demonstration for the time being.They're also talking up the student demos as being a good indicator of how to make a protest ...fat lot of good they got Eh?

    However give it another 4-6months when the cuts are felt then I think we might have a situation!!!

  5. I thought they were terrific at Sonisphere last year, and you describe them perfectly! Mind you I'd prefer Skunk anansie from that line-up for Glastonbury.

  6. ...but absolutely great.Go on Mr Eavis book 'em you know it makes sense!!!

    Saw them last night at Newcastle Academy with a more select setlist rather tha "jukebox" Cult-they rocked!!!

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