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Posts posted by clairetelche1

  1. Vodka Haribo is the way forward: Just found a recipe and will be trying it this weekend!!

    Put Haribo into a shallow dish and add vodka. Apparently they soak it up over a couple of days and you just keep adding voddie. They expand into huge Haribo monsters then you put them into the freezer. Vodka doesn't really freeze so they just go back to normalish consistency!! Yey!

    These will be freely allowed into the arena so you can chomp yourself drunk without the hassle of smuggling cans down your pants!!

    :P xx

  2. Me and the Mr bought two very cheap (£7) supermarket sleeping bags and just zipped them together - less bulky than carrying a double sleeping bag! Just make sure you buy square bottomed bags that are the same make and they should zip together just fine :P Much warmer with 2 in a bag so they don't need to be posh thick ones :P

    Happy camping Cxxx

  3. Tickets are released for most of the year really - after the initial panic it's very easy to pick them up on any of the trusted sites.

    Loads of tickets for Stafford were still available right up until the week before last year so my advice would be: wait 'till you've got the cash and look then. Don't resort to Ebay or Gumtree unless you're still stuck really near the time.


  4. They were REALLY strict last year - I even had the waist band of my trousers checked (by a bloke!!). However you can still be sneaky to an extent - if you are blessed / cursed with big boobs then a water bottle filled with beer between them is always a winner :P I also got some cheeky ones in wrapped up in my pac-a-mac bag.

    Part of the reason I'm not going this year is the huge hike up of security - makes it a really expensive weekend and I really don't agree with not being allowed water in and having to pay high prices in the arena for it!

    Have fun everyone who is going though!! xxx

  5. Security seems to be getting tighter every year (I buy a full weekend ticket so never had to try to blag my way in) but last year they were checking (feeling up!!) everyone to make sure no-one was committing the mortal sin of smuggling drink into the arena. On a night time they were definitely using the UV thing on Orange and, as there never seemed to be a massive crowd, I think you'd really struggle to get through.


  6. wot would you smackheads no about it! im at university doing my phd. i do it for a bit extra cash, if you get kicked out thats your problem follow the rules and have a good time, i dont need abuse off a bunch of retards! has it ever entered your small-minded brains that we are just doing our jobs! you do your job let me do mine! ill see you when your serving me in macdonalds!!

    seasons out pricks see you next year

  7. Got 'abused' by a jobsworth steward on the Friday night going into the arena who almost had her hands down my pants and had to give up a couple of cans!! Haha!

    Sat and Sun - half a litre of wine (plastic bottle) down my bra, another wrapped in my pac-a-mac bag and one down the back of my shorts!! Much harder to get beer into the arena this year but I managed a bit :ph34r: ! xx

  8. Yeah - they set up behind us and behaved like a right bunch of tossers, they jumped on one of our groups' tent and we caught them going into one of our tents too - then one had the cheek to come scrounging for a light (was swiftly told to do one!). One of the lads with us had a word with security and they sent undercover police to watch them. One of them was folllowed to the toilets and got caught with a bag of mobiles and drugs. They were excorted out on Sat afternoon but 2 of them were back sat behind our tent late on last night. Bunch of knob heads only had 1 ticket between them all but give the police and security their due they did try to sort the trouble quickly!! Shame idiots like that try to spoil it for the rest of us!!

    On a similar note anyone see the idiots in the same are of Orange with a fire going late Sunday night?? Not trying to rain on anyone's fun but masive camp fire round that much nylon is plain stupid!!

    Fab weekend had by all despite some muppets ;) xx

  9. Easy - for each day pack long socks (for under wellies), undies, a vest, shorts (legs dry quicker than trousers!) and hoodie into a carrier bag. Means that each morning you grab a bag of clothes and you've got everything you need - previous day's wet (hopefully not!) stuff goes back in the carrier and you're good to go!!

    Add a pac-a-mac, jarmies/trackies for sleeping, trainers or flip flops for mooching round camp and you're done.

    Have fun!! x

  10. Saw them at V '07 - was really looking forward to seeing them but was a tad disappointed! I agree - they have some massive anthemic songs but I hated the way they had a mini break between each song with little 'crack on' with the crowd etc. Thought this was just down to the stage sound at V so went to see 'em at Newcastle a couple of weeks ago and it was the same... most bands roll the songs off the belt or rev the crowd between tunes but the gorgeous Mr Flowers seems not to do this... am I the only 1 who thinks this?????


  11. Clothes tip: my first year I took soooo much and never ended up wearing most of it so last year I had a plan:

    I packed 3 tiny carrier bags stuffed with socks, undies, shorts (legs dry quicker than trousers / jeans) and a top in each. This meant that every day I just grabbed a carrier from my rucksack and shoved on what was in it - dirty stuff from previous day goes into the carrier and hey presto - tidy tent and no hasssle! Just a little thing but it really stopped me from taking (and therefor carrying) too much!


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