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Posts posted by Savy

  1. Some numpty, pissed off his tits, waving/firing a high intensity flame fed by a pressurised fuel source burning at temperatures approaching 1000ºC within a large crowd - what could be dangerous about that?

  2. I've been through almost an entire loo roll blowing my nose today :angry: . It's cheaper than tissues with aloe vera but man my nose is cut to pieces now ;)

  3. Thanks to all those who've contributed to this thread, the bits that I've understood (as some of you like to show your technical prediction prowess) have been a great read. Rock on ze Germans but please be sure to pack your wellies people, or we'll find you when it all turns r***y.

  4. Well this week my havfever has gone off on a wild one and I can't go 2 minutes without sneezing, joy! Although I remember it was terrible this time last year and I wondered how I'd cope in fields for 5 days but as soon as I walked on site it all cleared up entirely for the duration. There is hope for all us sufferers yet B)

  5. Last year was my first year at Glasto and our decision to camp at the earliest sitte backfired a bit as meant lots more walking for the duration of the festival to get anywhere. This year was looking to go to Park Home due to location and decent views from people on here. Probably a stupid question but I take it all sites are clearly named at their entrances as I don't recall seeing a single sign for what site I was in last year. If no signs just wondering how I'll know that I'm where I should be :(

  6. This early dose of job-well-done-backslapping is making me nervous.

    Just to be on the safe side, can WE all go back to predicting mud & filth? That way we'll be 100% certain of the opposite?

  7. No idea bit surely as you are not trying to buy it there then I guess they would leave you alone. If challenged just say it's not you but your folks who will be drinking it who have already gone in ahead of you to get the tent set up? I think you'll be fine unless in the other hand you are holding an open can of Grolsh!

  8. Got to be the journey home for me when I feel like I'm about as close to death as I can be without passing over to the other side. The journey in was pretty bad last year but we kept our spirits up mostly. Plus as I wasn't driving I had a fair few ciders and doobies to pass the time :D

  9. Is the genereal recommendation to go whilst a headline act is on to get in at the likes of Shangri-La? What sort of time is best to wait until after all the headline acts are done for it to empty out a little?

    Not too much floating my boat on Saturday headliners so thinking may take a walk down then.

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