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Posts posted by dinthepark

  1. Hey

    First time going to Glastonbury. I am planning on arriving on Wednesday, will be staying in a hotel Tuesday night. I'm looking to avoid bad traffic and also having to queue for hours to get into the site.

    Would I be best arriving really early on Wednesday or leaving it until the afternoon?

    I realise the car park is open on Tuesday night so I would assume there will be thousands queuing early waiting for the gates to open.

    *Also should have added that I'll be arriving from the north west

  2. It's my first time going to Glastonbury and will be arriving by car on the Wednesday and Travelling from the North West. Was wondering what the best time would be to arrive to avoid queuing for a long time to get in? Early like 8am? or would it be best to arrive later in the day?

    Also if we're travelling from the west what would be the best place to camp? Ideally we'd like to be on higher ground incase of any flooding.

  3. This is my first time going to Glastonbury although I've plenty of experience going to other festivals in Scotland. The ones here you can take your own alcohol but it can only be drank in the campsite, they don't allow you to take it into the arena to watch bands.

    Is this the same at Glastonbury? Or can you take your own drink with you anywhere?

  4. Hey, looking for some advice if you can help.

    It's our first time going to Glastonbury and we're going to travel down from Glasgow on the Tuesday. Planning on getting a hotel room to stay in on the Tuesday night and getting up early on Wednesday morning to head to the site.

    Where would be a good place to stay the night before that's not too far away? Looks like we're best travelling down the M5 so I've been looking at places like Bridgwater, Sedgemoor and Weston-Super-Mare.

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