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Posts posted by djtashman

  1. if its a muddy year then a chair at glasto is a MUST. i don't have any mobility issues and don't feel the need to make excuses because there is literally nowhere to sit down when its muddy. been every year since 2002 and i've never felt guilty about sitting on a chair. i wouldn't feel guilty sitting in front of the mixing desk (the mythical no chair zone) either as long as the crowd was sparse (a la nick cave a few years ago).

  2. see tickets AND DX are pathetic companies. seeing as we pay all this money you'd thinkk seetickets could splash out on good old royal mail. at least then i wouldn't give a sh1t if i wasn't in cause i could just pick them up at the local depot. already dreading my ticket delivery

  3. You do of course realise that "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" sold more than 18 million copies don't you? That is more than any Coldplay or Beyonce album and more than every U2 album bar Joshua Tree. So I don't think it is such a bizarre statement actually, just you lot have short memories. :P

  4. i don't think it's their best song. i can see why it caught the public's imagination though. i'd probably go for Live Bed Show, I Spy, Wickerman, This Is Hardcore

  5. my fantasy pulp set list (far too long i know)

    The Fear



    Do you remember the first time



    The Trees

    Help the aged

    Birds in your garden

    Something changed





    Davids last summer

    This is hardcore



    Pencil skirt

    Acyrillic afternoons

    Disco 2000


    Common People

  6. he then insisted that i empty my pockets which i did, he ignored my multibladed camping knife and wanted to search my wallet, i refused and just open it up for him to show him contents.

    he seemed genuinly disappointed that he had found no drugs, from talking to other poeple there appears to of been no records of searches/confiscations, whilst it can not be proved i am convinced the vast majority of drug confiscations ended up for sale on site.

  7. best band of the weekend for me. brilliant

    good to hear them roll out cedar room and space face too. haven't been playing those two for a while

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