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Posts posted by Vipospleen

  1. 18 hours ago, Big durbs said:

    did yours come as a wrist band ? or name on the gate ?

    Same system as it was 10 years ago.

    Name is on the ticket with a reference number which they will compare to their log and my photo id on the gate before I get wristbands. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, BigChief said:

    Where did you manage to source one or are you working?

    Through a friend working in an agency. They had a small allocation and she offered me hers.

    Cost a fourtune but worth it

  3. 2 hours ago, Big durbs said:

    ok .. i have been offered band / work passes £550 per head but wont find out till saturday . came through a local contact and seams genuine enough. he aparently gets these every year and they are good to go .

    has anyone had any experience of these sorts of tickets ?

    Congrats, I got mine this morning. Still can't believe it.

    I've done it like 4 times before but this year there were none left up to a couple of days ago. 

    If they are the same as mine you get to hang out behind the Pyramid, handy shortcut between stages. 

    I'm gutted for everyone that there wasn't a secret resell. 

  4. Hey guys,

    Looks like i'm finally going to Glasto. Got offered tickets that are gonna cost me about a grand for the pair but at this stage I can't say no.

    I won't believe it until they are in my hand but i've used this person previous years so I know it's genuine.

    Just want to say i've really enjoyed reading through the comments on this forum and I sincerely wish you all the best  of luck and that a re-sale does happen. 

    All fingers and toes are crossed guys, 


  5. I took a week off this as it was taking over my life and to be honest seeing as nothing happened i'm glad I did. 

    I've 2 people who can "sneak" me in but i'd still prefer to buy a ticket. 

    Let's see what happens this week but i'm focusing on my work and taking my lunch breaks outside of the office. 

    Best of luck

  6. 1 minute ago, Nobody Interesting said:

    It really ins't going to happen today.

    I reckon Friday or before or perhaps after.



    Disclaimer - it might happen today.

    I heard it's June 20th

  7. 5 minutes ago, beefykoala said:

    But doesn't that just drive the hysteria further?

    Yeah, the humour is lost on me. This is just going to make our waiting more wasted.

    If anything they will be forced to make an official announcement to the public as to when the resale (if any) will be.  


  8. 3 minutes ago, General Lee said:

    The message is the same every year - I don't see the point is in continually asking them. There might or might not be one, but they'll always say there won't be. 

    Agreed there really is no point into keep on asking them.

    If they said yes they would need to make it public and we do not want that.

    It's not just Glastonbury. Most venues release extra tickets closer to the date, it's always down to the production numbers, guest list etc.

    They may not have tickets today but they may in an hour, tomorrow, 3 weeks or never so the official word has to be no. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 1 minute ago, gmoon said:

    I work from home too, but this is all rather preventing me from doing much actual work.

    Same but i'm in the office most of the time. It's either going to cost me my job or give me a stroke.

  10. 6 minutes ago, tabasco said:

    Someone could email/tweet SeeTickets and ask them something like "Can we use debit cards for Glasto resale, or is it only debit cards?" and see if they are tricked into confirming the existence of a resale.

    I honestly believe the more people who contact Seetickets the more they will just announce a final resale that everyone else will try for. 

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  11. 58 minutes ago, Hugs said:

    Copied from another post earlier in the thread.



        Refund - Friday May 3rd
        Resale - Wednesday May 8th


        Refund - Friday May 9th
        Resale - Wednesday May 14th - 2pm


        Refund - Friday May 8th
        Resale - Monday May 18th - 3pm
        Lasted 13 mins approx


        Refund - Friday May 6th
        Resale - Thursday May 12th - 3.45pm
        Lasted 2 mins approx

    Last year was definitely longer than 2 mins. I've no idea what date /time it was but I remember it was up long enough for me to ring someone so they could get them


  12. A buddy of mine has put me in touch with someone who will sneak us in as crew a couple of days before. 

    We will even get wristbands but the cost for us is £200 each.

    The good news is we don't pay until we are in. The bad news is it won't be confirmed until closer to the date. 

    I hate to make the trip all the way for it not to happen

  13. 7 minutes ago, Johnkhutch said:

    I'm going to start to look into alternative summer plans this evening :(

    I'll give it a few days but i'm tempted to book a sun holiday for the week instead. 

    First time in 13th Glasto's i've not had a ticket

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