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mr blue

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Posts posted by mr blue

  1. I have to agree Marooned. Peatbog Faeries were great, and they blew away Bellowhead, who seemed to be going through the motions. I've seen Bellowhead four times this year (same set list each time) and this was definitely the least impressive.

    Other highlights: Otway alone and with band, Richard Thompson (looked like he was enjoying himself),Spooky Men's Chorale, Outcast band in the village hall, Tim Edey and Brendan Power. ms blue enjoyed Rolf too.

    Food range was good and not too expensive and the Big Top came into it's own during the rain shower on saturday.

    The stewards and security seemed really relaxed, maybe because the crowd was so laid back.

    The bar had a good selection of real ales and the staff were efficient and smiley.

    We'll certainly be back next year, knowing that Peter will have a line-up to look forward to, and the friendliest festival anywhere.

  2. Just got back from another brilliant Wickham. Line up was great (if a little Scot heavy), weather stayed good and the villagers were more welcoming than ever. Great idea to use the community centre for breakfasts and late night, though first night timing could have been better. The first band had more time than Otway's band.

    Next year could we have urinals in the main field to cut down the loo queues? I was having to think 20 minutes ahead to time pee breaks!

  3. It's a bit quiet in here!

    I'm really looking forward to Wickham again this year, it was great last time after the move from Stokes Bay, a much better atmosphere and we really felt welcomed by the villagers.

    Line up looks good too.

  4. More acts have been posted for Wickham 2011 and it looks better and better. Really looking forward to Richard Thompson. Saw him a couple of weeks ago with his band but solo he's just brilliant. Added to Bellowhead, Kate Rusby and The Men They Couldn't Hang, I wouldn't be anywhere else.

  5. I'm with red eye and scarey fairy, I missed out this morning despite have two browsers with multiple tabs continually refreshing plus a mobile and landline constantly dialling. If I don't get a ticket in the resales it will be my first miss since 1999.

    I've been thinking maybe it's karma, I've had my years now it's someone else's turn to experience the magic.

    I just hope my ticket didn't go to someone who's only going for U2 <_<

  6. I'm pleased to announce that me and ms blue will be attending this year. We missed last year because of a planning issue (ours, not yours)but we're really looking forward to the great line up and bucolic setting :D

    If Den's coming I might even do a countdown :unsure:

  7. My mate got himself a ticket yesterday, he has received his confirmation email and then he checked on see tickets to see if his ticket is on the tracker section, which it is. However they have not taken money out of his account and when he called see tickets the said he game the wrong security code on his card.

    It is confusing, why would they send a confirmation email and have his ticket on the tracker section? Will they just reject it later on?

    Any help would be much appreciated!

  8. A proper fork, those wooden ones are horrid

    wet wipes

    toothpaste and brush



    sleeping bag




    err that's it for now

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