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Posts posted by goldstar

  1. This might be a totally un-do-able......but, can anyone find what these forecasters were predicting at similar times before the previous few festivals and how accurate they turned out to be?

    Long shot I know but would be quite interesting!

    I think...... :D

  2. It was my first Glasto last year and took SOOOOOOOO many different types of clothes, then predictably wore pretty much one type of outfit all weekend which was this;


    It was ideal as I looked nice and summery when the sun did come out, but most importantly, I stayed confortable than all weekend as it wasn't cold at all and I dried off really quickly as of course, skin is alot more waterproof and dries more quickly than sodden jeans/trousers and also, the mud was much easier to wash off skin than clothes.

    I will be sticking faithfully to my less - is - more rule this year.

    In addition the main things I will be taking are -

    LOTS of socks

    Bikini top (fingers crossed for sun)

    nice warm clothes for night time missions

    Also, one bonus was my hair. I know it sounds minging but after a couple of days of dirt, being rained on and drying out several times and not being brushed it actually started to look quite good in a hippy festy chick kind of way!

  3. Oh ffs. I really am getting a bit disheartened now.

    I've been hoping so much that the forecasts would change closer to the time but now that it's close enought to predict the weather with any degree of confidence and it's gonna bloody well p!ss down for 4 out of the 5 days we're there.

    Two months of dieting, £60 on sunbeds and a fortune on tiny little clothes to shown of my new figure in the sun and I'm gonna spend the weekend in wellies and a kagoule.

    Brilliant :blink:

  4. GFL are entirely right. I think you'll find that those who would be most insulted (by someone without a permanent disability being gven access to resources meant for the permanently disabled) will be those with permanent disabilities. Resources are finite it is quite right and proper that priority should be given to those who permanent and in many cases, terminal conditions. You can go again, many of the people with disabilities who will go this year will not be given that opportunity.
  5. I think the response from Glasto is disgusting and you have every right to be livid. How the hell does whether the condition's permanent or not affect how disabled you actually are, and therefore how you have any less right that other disabled people to use the facilities?

    I undersatnd the argument in the eyes of the law, ie, not being classed as disabled for the purposes of claiming benefits and stuff, but surely in this case they could show a little more compassion?

  6. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this - the best and truly professional way is cling film

    If you can't find any industrial stuff - (could try buying a roll from anyone who uses it..and plenty do) then a couple of large rolls of domestic stuff would do .......one for th einward journey and one for rhe return

  7. Ok, so having now bought two red trucks, I've now been struck by the thought, where the bloody hell am i going to put them when we get there? ;)

    I assume you've all got tent big enough to keep them in then? Two of those is going to take up a fair wack of our living space.

  8. My boyfriend works for the Met Office so I will get him to post a forecast just before the festival. There's no point in deliberating it at the moment, and nothing to be gained by mulling over what happened on previous years. Fingers crossed it is dry but not TOO hot!

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