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Posts posted by Turts

  1. I do indeed remember it, i believe mr bizarre has similar internet access issues but hopefully he'll arrive at some stage with such a map. have to try third time lucky at meeting up turts
  2. Cheers Pezzypops,

    That one at least gives me a good start. I know we never really follow a crawl very well as there's too many distractions, but it's good to have some sort of good intentions when you start off... :(

  3. Hey Darren, how's it going. As you've noticed I've only been able to get on here sporadically this year....

    You remember the one I mean though - the WBC one I think it was? It was fantastic...

  4. I remember there being a map with the site of all the pubs on it for last year. This was great for vaguely planning a pub crawl with, so I wondered if there was one knocking about this year?

    I did try searching the forum first but couldn't find it...

  5. Who needs a programme before hand when we have the mighty Halvin and his invaluable clashfinder???

    Be honest, if you want to know the lineup and times before you go then there are ways of finding out. For myself I like to have the goodie bag when I get there as it adds to the excitement of getting there.


  6. Hey Darren, how are you? I've been away with work for a while, hence the absence. But I'm back now. As you can, er, see. I'll shut up now.

    Anyway, what's been going on?

    Hey Karl, how have you been?

  7. Hello everyone, how are we doing?

    That was the best festival I have ever been to - managed to get all over and only saw a few bands, including some random finds that I really enjoyed. Brilliant.

    Very very weary today though...

    Darren, sorry I didn't reply to your last text - I only saw it this morning as something went terribly wrong with my phone battery. It would have been good to finally meet you, but as you say there is always next year. Hope everyone had as good a fest as me...

  8. Hey everybody!

    Just reading through all this got me so excited that I had to go to the little boys room...?!

    Won't be long and we'll all be there, soaking up the sun, drink and atmosphere in equal(ish) quantities. Ah it brings a tear to the eye. Bugger, off to the loo again....

  9. Halvin, as ever you make the whole festival just that bit much easier. I don't think any higher praise can be given.

    Thnak you.

    By the way, I was the guy who tried to find you last year (a little wasted I must say) that your friends might have told you came storming into their camp last year asking after you. Hopefully I'll get a chance to thank you in person at the cider bus meet this year - do you ever need to buy alcohol for yourself??

    Anyway, have a great festival, and thanks again for all your work in compiling this.


  10. Morning chaps, how are thingd going?

    WTF is this purple cloud - it smells like somethings died over here! Is that you Horsebox? Did something crawl up inside you and die? Have you been felching again?

    How did the party go?

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