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Posts posted by jameshunt

  1. Glastonbury 2014.

    After a few pints and a walk up the hill at the top of the park I tried to take a panorama shot with my phone. Couldn't get my head around why it wasn't working but I was holding the phone in the wrong way up - portrait rather than landscape - and it stacked the shots on top of each other. Was going to delete the failed attempt until I saw the result. Anyone recognise these legs?

    • Upvote 2
  2. Only ever stayed in a camper field....East.


    As far as better views, only E21 has a view of the sight and that's disabled and crew, u won't get in there unless u have a pass.

    Toilets are better than the gunt of it ones but still get fucked by Saturday uve got a van, take a cassette toilet, elsan points are there.

    E22 also give a great view of the site and is open to anyone, as long as you arrive at the right time. But it does slope fairly steeply so unless you are at the top end of it you might have problems levelling the van.

    As for the OP's other questions:

    - can't coment on West CV fields as I've never stayed in them.

    - atmosphere is fairly quiet in the East CV fields, but pleasant and always had friendly neighbours.

    - music is definitely allowed, but very loud music late at night would be a problem in the family fields.

    - facilities are rudimentary. Some fairly clean bogs, but most bring their own. Water points and chemical loo emptying points and a burger van. Oh yes, and security which can be a two-sided coin. The only time we felt at all worried about our belongings was when a couple of security, who had clearly been drinking, were doing the rounds in a somewhat suspicious manner late at night.

    - queues. Entering the CV fields doesn't take too long, but don't necessarily wait for the stewards to park you up if you see perfect spot then take it. Getting into Gate C on the Wed morning can be a hell of a queue. Give it a few hours and go in later and it's not bad. Leaving at night can take a while for the pass outs to be issued, but again not a big deal. Leaving the site after the festival can take hours - all it needs is a broken down bus or campervan or two and it can take several hours to even get out of your field. Time it right and it's a breeze though. If in a hurry leave during Sunday night/early Monday morning. Or leave much later, e.g. Monday evening.

    Take all the comforts you want and the CV field is a great place to stay.

  3. How funny is that - we did the same (take a photo). This is us at (almost) 10pm Wednesday.


    Of course, next year (assuming I get a ticket), I'll be straight there on the .... *cough*

    Forget that. I won't be going there. Beer was rubbish. In fact, ignore this post. Don't go there at all.

    Mine was of the board outside and not a good shot, just took it to note down the beers. Shot mine about 45 minutes later than you. Real shame it wasn't open to us the rest of the festival.

  4. ...

    I just don't know how that Pyramid field would look (for someone like The Rolling Stones) if there were no flags and no occasional flare etc.

  5. You would miss them if they were gone. I am not a flag bearer, but I get a buzz from looking back during a headliner and seeing how far the crowds and flags stretch back.

    I don't want the sausage flag draped over my face though...

  6. like the other small breweries that get used, I very much doubt Butcombe would be able to supply the quantities the festival needs.

    That's the reason why there's so many different ales in the first place.

    We ended up in Wally's Bar in Shangri La at one point before the barricades were put in place. Hadn't realised it was a staff bar until shortly before we left.

    I took a snap of the beer lineup and they had:

    Hopback Summer Lightning (my choice)

    Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (as my other half is from California that's what she chose)

    Hopback Golden Best

    Butcombe Bitter

    & some daily specials

    For lagers they had:

    San Miguel

    & Kaltenburg Pilsner

    It would be nice if they opened up that bar for punters as well for the whole festival and the staff running it certainly wouldn't mind from what they said to me. I noticed a lot of the bars in the late night areas only sold lager and cider, no ales. Sure you could find an ale eventually, but it was hard work.

  7. I think the pro-flag folks in this thread are simply trying to wind people up and get a response. Either that or they really are as selfish as they come across, or possibly are too thick to get the point?

    Why should 90,000+ people, the majority who paid good money to be there, have to watch your f'ing flags instead of the stage show the whole time? What's that? You can't see anything from further back anyway? That response would be complete bollocks. If that was the case why would any act bother to dress their set? Just for TV and the few folks at the front who have an unobscured view?

    Try thinking about others. Take a flag, mark your camp with it by all means. Walk around the site with it. Brighten people's days with humorous ones. But don't erect them in the mosh pit or in front of stages or screens.

  8. I was sat in the Cafe next to the Cabaret tent - think it was Friday morning when 3 girls dressed in green(looked like elves) and playing instruments and singing turned up - what a sight for sore eyes they were lush and making strange sounds like they were trying to lull you in. Anyway they went into the Cafe and had a sing song with the staff - then out of nowhere a load of trolls turned up - and you can imagine what happened next ha ha they were all over them like a rash

    And no I wasn't tripping !!! ;)

    Anyone else see 'em ?

  9. One place I avoided was a wood fired pizza place next to the Kasbah. Really wanted a pizza at the time, but saw what people ended up with and it looked like a Tesco frozen pizza reheated. Perfectly round, and not much in the way of toppings either. Why on earth would someone cook frozen pizzas when they'd gone to the trouble of having a wood fired oven?

    Did find a very decent wood fired pizza in a place called The Pizza Parlour, just down from Pieminister between Pyramid and Other stages. Had their supreme pizza and went back for another the next day. Excellent and they ran that operation like a well-oiled machine. Cooked to order but whatever the queue it only took a few minutes.

  10. Was a bit pissed having paid £15 for a t-shirt only to find a hole under the armpit first time I wore it (after I'd got home). Quality seems a bit down this year and shirt material seems thinner than previous years, or maybe it just seems that way as I'm fed up about the hole.

    No worries, will get my needle and thread out and make do and mend.

  11. The people I saw walking around naked or even topless were being snapped by strangers passing by who, knowing the internet would end up being shared beyond the naked persons consent.

  12. It was £4 in some places.

    As for Bimble's low prices, I'm guessing that's the result of Bimble's taxes being paid outside of the UK - you know, tax dodging. While I don't know for sure that's the case, I do know for sure that there is definitely non-UK tax associated with one of the people involved.

    I guess that could explain it. Although, high street tax dodgers tend to charge the same as non-tax dodgers - just make more profit. So the Bimble could certainly have charged more than they do. But I admit to knowing nothing about their tax affairs.

    Had one Otter Bitter at the Bimble. Had so much sediment in the last third was thrown away. It's cheaper for a reason.

    Never had a bad pint there myself. Did have a poor tasting Marstons EPA from the Acoustic field this year, but that was about the only dodgy pint.

  13. Remember The Bimble Inn - £3.50 a pint for a decent ale! Everywhere else on site the same beer for £4.40 to £4.50.

    It amazes me that they keep their prices so low - although it's always very busy so they do sell a lot of volume.

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