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Posts posted by future_shock

  1. Likewise with the Queen's courts in Scotland - it is not just that her courts disagree with people like me who might want to criticise, swear at and otherwise disrespect her university managers, politicians or police, it is that her courts want to lock up or section those who dare to do that.

    So it is not that I just disagree with the Queen's courts and they with me. It is that they are insisting on jailing me when they disagree. If they disagreed with me and left me alone I would be OK with that.

    I don't mind who disagrees with me and who thinks I should be polite about the queen's officers that I do not respect because they are killing innocent people with their incompetence.

    Fine disagree with me. Just don't lock me up and stop me saving lives or I will be forced to fight for a republican revolution and that may mean the military shooting the Queen to get a republic.


  2. Maybe my use of the word blame was a little harsh but I stand by the fact that the OP is wrong to come on here and moan like f**k, basically slating those of us in CT who would have been more than happy to chip in and offer any help whatsoever. It's about taking personal responsibility, the OP didn't do this so is therefore in no position to blame everybody else and the festival as a whole. They did not use the free lock ups (which they would have had prior knowledge of having been on here a few times) so the fault lies with them.

    I still am sorry for what happened to them but at the end of the day, we don't live in a perfect world.

  3. I see what you are saying, and to some extent agree. But, if I was about to walk home at night when I knew there were going to be serial rapists hanging about, I wouldn't wear heels and a mini skirt. I'd take a taxi

    So they aren't to blame as such, but sensible precautions could have been taken which would have avoided the situation.

  4. Whilst I feel sorry to the OP for what happened I can't help thinking that they are somewhat to blame for their stuff going missing. As soon as I'd got my tent set up I went down to the lock ups and put all my money (bar one days' worth), car keys, sat nav etc. Each day I would go to the lockups and take out what I needed. My tent I left in a complete mess and to be honest even though I would have hated anybody to be rummaging through my stuff, I wouldn't have been majorly upset if any of my stuff got nicked, I believe this is the risk everybody takes when attending a festival. If you leave £400, passport etc in your tent then you are a complete idiot.

    I was camped in CT in Pennards so the comments about us being theives I find offensive. And in fairness I did see two police officers roaming around Pennards on the Thursday night so at least there was a presence.

  5. It's interesting this, some crimes being reported and no sympathy or whatever from people about it. It's a shit thing to happen, and it's not about putting your valuables in the lock up or not, it's about theiving c**ts stealing stuff. That's the real problem. I got to be honest, I feel pretty uncomfortable about the blaming the victim here, not sure it would be appropriate in other areas of life.

  6. Yeah big thanks from me here as well, after receiving some pretty gutting news on the Monday night I wasn't sure exactly how good a fest it was going to be but you all helped to make it awesome. Was good seeing old faces and meeting a few new ones as well.

    Little Miss C I didn't realise you had been robbed, sorry to hear that. Glad it didn't spoil your weekend though and thanks for all the Thursday afternoon Jager and random 2am half eaten foodstuffs :D.

    Migraine I am assuming it was you who I dragged to see Flogging Molly on the Sat, glad you enjoyed it they were pretty epic.

  7. It's got pretty much nothing to do with the old firm, there is an interview with him on the amp magazine site.

    "It’s kinda like this: it has nothing to do with any kind of football rivalry, any sectarian religious shit. The name THE OLD FIRM, I actually was paying homage to my DMS family that’s been around since 1987 and it’s kinda like that COCKNEY REJECTS song “We Are The Firm.” "

    Full interview is here.

  8. As it's my first Glastonbury, I feel like the consensus is that you need to experience one pyramid headline slot .

    I find all three headliners alright, I'm not overly excited by any of them and I'd have a very hard time ranking them.

    So, out of the three headliners who do you think I should see?

  9. Big fan of their first two albums, not heard much stuff from after that, would love it if they played. I think the park would be a good location for them as others have said.

  10. I'm not normally one to comment on bands/artists I don't like but I'd have to agree with the assessment the guys from Mogwai gave in a review of his single they did for the Skinny (Scottish free culture magazine type thing). The whole change of sound in nonsense.

    Plan B – Writing’s On The Wall (679/Atlantic, 7 Mar)

    Stuart: (rubbing hands) Let’s get started on this! Do you even know who this is Barry?

    Barry: No, who is it?

    Stuart: It’s this f**king shite rapper whose A&R guy told him to sound like Amy Winehouse and then all the f**king stupid English journalists said it was a brave decision. Like it’s really brave to stop rapping and start singing just to copy the person who’s sold the most records in the last ten years. It’s f**king pish! Do you know what it says to me? You’re with a lassie, looking about Topshop, raging.

    Skinny: Marks out of ten.

    Stuart: Nothing. Zero. I wish he hadn’t made it.


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