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Posts posted by fairfranco

  1. it was my wife and her step daughters first time (my 8th) and they both loved it.

    She actually said that she didn't find the mud that big a deal, I also thought that while it was very muddy and the sticky stuff is a real pain you just get on with it.  While the sticky stuff is very hard to walk in at least it's not too slippy and sloppy that your likely to fall in!

    Her main issue was probably overcrowding.

    That and not being able to sit down easily but that was just down to the conditions and we coped ok with a bin bag a few times and found a seat if required!

    I last went in 2010 (I think, thought it was more recently but looking at line ups it looks the most recognisable!) and I felt it was more crowded than ever that year, this year seemed even worse.  Obviously the mud creates more crowding issues, people aren't sat around so much and probably don't wander as far but looking at camping spaces, toilet queue's and crowds to get in and out of main areas I feel that there's a few too many people in the place to cope with the conditions.

    Other than that though, she definitely got the magic of the festival, loved the endless things to see and do, the food great food choices and the general good atmosphere around the place.

    The 16 miles we covered in 8 hours on the coach was no deterrent either, though it was a little tiresome we quite enjoyed the occasional trip into a pub, walking along beside the coach and general atmosphere.  The uncertainty of how far you may find yourself chasing the bus when it suddenly got a move on added to the fun!  Those that set off drinking rapidly early on the bus ride didn't enjoy things so much though and we had to laugh at their attitude as they got grumpier and grumpier.  "this is the worst day of my life"  If spending a day on a bus drinking with your mates knowing that at some point you'll get to Glastonbury festival is the worst day of your life then you are living pretty well!

    Overall I don't think were disappointed at all.

    Oh yeah, her worst moment was probably losing me on her way back to the Coldplay crowd half an hour before they started after going to bar and toilet, she doesn't like heavy crowds at the best of times and was most upset stuck in the crowd by herself with some particularly unhelpful and unpleasant people.  Luckily I found her and managed to get her back to where we were but having experienced that she had a quiet rant at Chris Martin thinking he's god for the next hour and hating the experience as well as bemoaning Chris for not turning people's wrist bands on when Barry Gibb was on because he wanted the attention to himself! (I blame the crowd experience and the large wine drunk while battling through it!) 

  2. stopped by at the end of Newton Faulkner who had just stripped off to his pants.  This was something because he's in the Greenday American Idiot musical in his pants the whole time which lead me to expect a Greenday cover but as it was we got Bohemian Rhapsody! (Unexpected!)

    In any case, we were singing along at the back when someone walked past saying "Ed Sheeran's looking around these days in't he!" :lol:


    For anyone that saw Land Of The Giants, their trombone player is a much better look a like and has been approached by quite a few people thinking he is Newton!

  3. that was some mad queue!

    I wondered along expecting to walk in and saw a queue along the path expecting it to be the usual big shower queue then followed it into the cinema field where it looped up around the acoustic tent and all the way back to where i'd come from and couldn't believe it.

    Asked one of the stewards if she thought everyone would get in and she said she wasn't sure but it holds 1100 people.

    Must have been about 4,000+ queuing up to get in as definately more didn't get in than did.

    I walked back telling people they wouldn't get in and someone said "what about the second showing".

    I definately wouldn't be standing in a queue for 1 1/2 hours while the first showing is on to get in there!

  4. that was some mad queue!

    I wondered along expecting to walk in and saw a queue along the path expecting it to be the usual big shower queue then followed it into the cinema field where it looped up around the acoustic tent and all the way back to where i'd come from and couldn't believe it.

    Asked one of the stewards if she thought everyone would get in and she said she wasn't sure but it holds 1100 people.

    Must have been about 4,000+ queuing up to get in as definately more didn't get in than did.

    I walked back telling people they wouldn't get in and someone said "what about the second showing".

    I definately wouldn't be standing in a queue for 1 1/2 hours while the first showing is on to get in there!

  5. that was some mad queue!

    I wondered along expecting to walk in and saw a queue along the path expecting it to be the usual big shower queue then followed it into the cinema field where it looped up around the acoustic tent and all the way back to where i'd come from and couldn't believe it.

    Asked one of the stewards if she thought everyone would get in and she said she wasn't sure but it holds 1100 people.

    Must have been about 4,000+ queuing up to get in as definately more didn't get in than did.

    I walked back telling people they wouldn't get in and someone said "what about the second showing".

    I definately wouldn't be standing in a queue for 1 1/2 hours while the first showing is on to get in there!

  6. I hope the screen is clearer to see in the light than the last time I saw a game there. Think the other one I saw was a final but i can't remember which year, with the sun it wasn't very clear.

    I was thinking it was going to be alright cos game at 7:30 but now i've seen this i realise it's on at 3!

  7. I'd say it doesn't mean anything.

    That is the current status, they have no headliner but those other bands are already confirmed.

    Id think they'd try to find a new headliner but if they can't then it will obviously be someone who's already down to play at another time.

  8. I'm not familier with Mr magoo's in Birkenhead, I've never been anywhere called Mr Magoo's. It's just a generic term I use for nightclubs everywhere.


    I LOVE lovely girls.

  9. great rolfernews we tried to go and see him last year but left it too late so ended up in a big queue in the field with the Orange chill tent before giving it up as the place was too full.

    However I had previously been looking forward to seeing Magic Numbers as I saw them twice a couple of years ago at Pyramid and Guardian lounge and they put on such a good performance and seem so genuinely touched by the love they get from the crowd.

    Rolf though...i haven't seen him play since 2002.

  10. Suede are making their come back shortly for the Teenage Cancer Trust gigs at Royal Albert hall.

    They're also playing 2 very small charity warm up gigs at London 100 club and The Ritz in Manchester.

    Surely they wouldn't go through the effort of getting back together, practise etc just to play 2 small gig and one big one even if it is for charity.

    A band I was suprised to not see on the rumour section, anyone think they'll be up for a come back festival?

  11. It's been a good while since the Coral have done anything but it appears they will be back with a new album soon.

    They have today been announced to play Tea In the Park after not playing a gig in ages.

    If I'm not mistaken when they first came around they played 3 years running stepping from new bands to other then Pyramid. Might be wrong but I definately saw them the first 2 times and they were outstanding then.

    I'm suprised they're not on the rumours list and if they are ready to get playing by then I'd be suprised if they wren't somewhere on the bill.


  12. I'm a resonable fan but saw them in 04 at Glastonbury and didn't think they put in that great a performance especially compared to the performance at their own gig (Rose Bowl) a couple of years later. Glastonbury's not really their thing and so I don't see them showing much interest and if they do they probably won't show a lof of interest while on stage.

  13. The Vale Earth Fair is a charitable festival run by volunteer's giving money to Oxfam, Freet Tibet and the Burma campaign. Performers over the last few years have included Alabama 3, Qemists, Babyhead, The Herbaliser, Dreadzone and Shlomo as well as a hugely diverse range of Channel Island musical talent.

    It takes place on Sunday August 30th and would make a fine Bank holiday weekend away with warm up gigs taking place on the Saturday from N.U.M.B and Silverflec as well as local support.

    The event is held in and around an ancient castle on the coast overlooking the other Channel Islands, a beautiful setting for a days music. See some pictures here.

    This years event sees over 60 acts across 6 different stages with some of our best headliners yet.

    Skindred, Red Snapper and Dub Pistols share the honour of headlinging our Castle Stage while Minute and Pink Hearse headline the Earth Stage.

    You can get to the Island pretty cheaply by boat from Poole or Weymouth (Condor Ferries) and by plane from many UK locations (flybe and aurigny)

    Tickets are available to buy for £10 from local outlets or via the Earth Fair Website

    See the Website for full line up details http://www.valeearthfair.org

  14. I didn't have any trouble finding it though the more predominant sign was Tango Cafe as oposed to Departure lounge which was only shown round the other side. It was in the next field after the Jazz world going into greenfields and at the time it would have been 1 of 2 places at the time in that field with a big crowd.

    I was very dissapointed she was starting so late as I was meeting people at 20 past 9 to go to blur so I only saw 3 tracks but the atmosphere was amazing. Like being at a gig with all her biggest fans! Everyone seemed to know all the words to every song though the only down being of course that you couldn't hear much of her.

    From the bit of it I saw I'd say i'm sure it was a great set but i'm sure those who watched all can say more.

  15. I've seen a dissapointingly small amount of people i've recognised in the 6 years i've been.

    However I did see Jake (Hollyoaks) Deane singing along t every vampire weekend song next to me in the crowd. He then appeared a further 3 times by me over the weekend and I was concerned he was stalking me....I don't think he was!

    I did however, I believe see Kevin Spacy in the back stage area 2 years ago. We were wondering betwen Pyramid and other via backstage having got passes through a friend and were 95% sure we passed him. I didn't however take up the opportunity to prove it and speak to him or get a photo!

  16. Blur - Prodigy

    I won't decide this till the time, Blur one of my favourite bands of all time and i've only seen them once and that was after Coxen left.

    Prodigy I've seen on telly at festivals and the performances look immense and their latest album has really got me back into them and desperate to see them. I was so pleased to see they'd finally been confirmed, until I saw where they were on the line up.

    I'm thinking blur because I may not get another chance to see them and it'll be a great come back show. But I would love to go dance the last night away with Prodigy.

    No one else I cared about seeing as much as these 2.

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